04/26/2022 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • APRIL 26, 2022 Council Chambers :Regular Meeting 6:00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center• 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council. INVOCATION -Mayor Pro Tom Bill Hussey:provided the Invocation. PLEDGEOF'ALLEGIANCE Mayor.Darcy McNaboe led the Pledge of Allegiance. Aftendee Name; Title. . .Status Arrived ' Darc ."McNaboe. Mayor Present' Bill Hussey Ma .or Pro.Tem - Present, Sylvia Robles .Council Member Present, Daug.Wilson . . Council..Member Present. Jeff Allen Council Member- Present Konrad Bolowich City'Manager Present Adrian.Guerra . city. Qrney Present_ Debra Thomas City Clerk Present Terry Shea Interim Finance Director. Present. , A. REORDERING OF,.ADDITIONS TO, OR REMOVAL:OF ITEMS FROM.THE AGENDA None. j 1 B. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS j Terry. Shea, Interim Finance Director introduced new employee, Trevor Greeley, Finance Technician The City Council presented DMV Donate Life Proclamation-to Susan.Van :Campen on behalf of One Legacy. Johan Gallo presented Certificates. of Recognition'to the City Council, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department and San. Bernardino County Fire on behalf of Sick N Tired Recovery Home. City of Grand Terrace Page. 1 Minutes Gland Terrace City Council April 26, 2022 C. CONSENT CALENDAR ''RESULT. APPROVED:[UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sylvia Robles, Council-Member' = SECONDER: , Jeff Allen, Council•Member - AYES: - McNaboe, Hussey, Robles,,Wilson, Allen ; 1. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on.Agenda .2. Approval of Minutes _.Regular.Meeting — 04/12/2022 APPROVE- THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR' MEETING MINUTES FOR APRIL 12, 2022 3. Approve National. Arab .American Heritage Month. Proclamation and Certificate of Recognition; Victoria Bacon, Girl Scout'Troop #30- APPROVE NATIONAL ARAB -AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH PROCLAMATION AND CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION TO BE PRESENTED TO VICTORIA BACON, GIRL SCOUT TROOP#30 4. Approval'of the March-2022 Check Register in-the Amount of$433,430.02 APPROVE THE CHECK REGISTER NO. 033.12022.IN THE AMOUNT OF $433,430.02' AS SUBMITTED, FOR THE MONTH ENDING MARCH.31, 2022. -5, City Department Monthly Activity:Report = February 2022 RECEIVE AND FILE. 6. Amendment-to the Statement of Benefits ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF , THE CITY' .COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMENDING THE. STATEMENT OF BENEFITS SECTIONS PERTAINING TO MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES, MEDICAL .INSURANCE: BENEFITS FOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS, AND ALL LANGUAGE PERTAINING TO CHILD CARE EMPLOYEES 7: Amend.CalPERS Health Contract for General'Members,and Retired Annuitants. ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF -GRAND TERRACE FIXING THE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION UNDER, THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' 'MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT AT. 'AN U.NEQUAL. AMOUNT ,FOR EMPLOYEES, AND ANNUITANTS WITH RESPECT TO A RECOGNIZED EMPLOYEE'ORGANIZATION 8. Award Contractor Agreement .to Goodman & Associates for Plans,. Specifications, and Estimates Preparation for. Pavement Rehabilitation Project for Fiscal Year 2021-22 1. AWARD AN AGREEMENT TO .*GOODMAN & ASSOCIATES ,FOR PREPARING PLANS, 'SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES (PS&E) FOR PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT PROVIDED IN THE REVISED FISCALYEAR 21-22 CIP IN THE AMOUNT OF $23,500. City of Grand Terrace page 2 Minutes Gland Terrace City Council April 26, 2022 2. AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT SUBJECT TO CITY ATTORNEY-APPROVAL AS'TO FORM. D. PUBLIC COMMENT None. E. PUBLIC HEARINGS- NONE F. UNFINISHED-BUSINESS --NONE G. NEW BUSINESS 9. Grand Terrace High School Senior Parade Konrad Bolowich, City Manager gave the staff report.and PowerPoint presentation for this item. Mayor Pro Tern .Hussey moved', with an alternate motion to cover the total 'cost of the event, dollar-for-dollar, and direct staff to bring back a resolution setting forth the public benefit findings to justify the expense. The motion failed for lack of a second. Council Member Allen, moved, with a second' from -Council Member Robles, that the City Council support the event in the proposed manner, that the, City match, dollar-for- dollar, any-funds raised for the-event by the applicant; up to half'.the cost.of the event.of no more than $3,300:00 and direct staff to bring back.a resolution setting forth the public benefit findings to justify the expense. RESULT: APPROVED [3 TO 2]- MOVER: Jeff Allen, Council Member ' SECONDER: Sylvia Robles,-Council Member AYES: Darcy-McNaboe, Sylvia Robles-, Jeff Allen NAYS: Bill Hussey, Doug Wilson 10.Ordinance. Adjusting City Council Salary and. Formally Establishing Vehicle and Technology Allowances. Adrian Guerra, City Attorney gave the staff report and PowerPoint presentation for this item. READ BY TITLE ONLY, WAIVE FURTHER READING AND INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF- GRAND TERRACE, City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council April 26, 2022 CALIFORNIA ADJUSTING THE .MONTHLY SALARY OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND ESTABLISHING VEHICLE-AND TECHNOLOGY ALLOWANCES. .RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER:'- Sylvia`Robles, Council•Member SECONDER:, ''Doug Wilson, ,Council Member ; AYES: McNaboe; Hussey;.Robles, Wilson, Allen 11.Non-Owner Occupied/Rental Inspection Program Progress Leila Holtzen, Senior Code Enforcement Officer gave. the staff report and PowerPoint presentation for this item.. PUBLIC-COMMENT Bobbie Forbes, Grand Terrace supports the Non-Owner -Occupied/Rental Inspection Program but without the reduction in fees and a flat-rate should be applied. She -believes owners need. to -be -notified by the. City when, a problem tenant has been identified'. She suggested that a property owner With a non-owner occupied property; no matter Who it is, needs to be registered with the program and secure a City business license. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONDUCT A DISCUSSION ON THE CURRENT-NON-OWNER-.00CUPIED RENTAL PROGRAM.AND PROVIDE DIRECTION ON PROPOSED PROGRAM CHANGES: RESULT: NO ACTION-TAKEN 12.Landscape: Recognition Program. Konrad :Bolowich, City Manager gave the staff report and PowerPoint presentation for this item. PUBLIC COMMENT Bobbie Forbes, Grand Terrace stated• that the. proposal to bring homeowner recognitions to the•City Council once a year,. is not enough.. THAT THE CITY' COUNCIL DIRECT STAFF 'TO IMPLEMENT AN' 'ANNUAL 'LANDSCAPE RECOGNITION PROGRAM RESULT: APPROVED[UNANIMOUS] ' MOVER: Sylvia Robles, Council Member " - SECONDER:- ' Jeff Allen, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Hussey, Robles, Wilson, Allen 13.American Rescue Plan Act Funding- Konrad Bolowich, City Manager gave the staff report and PowerPoint presentation for this item. City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council, April.26, .2022 PUBLIC COMMENT Bobble Forbes, Grand Terrace suggested th& City sell the old signs that will be. replaced. She wanted- to know 'if street sweeping, and speed limit signs Would be included when.old ,signs are replaced? THAT THE CITY-COUNCIL APPROVE THE SELECTEE) PROJEPT91.FOR THE USE OF THE AMERICAN- RESCUE:PLAN ACT FUNDING RESULT.- APPROVED [UNANIMOUS]' MOVER: Jeff Allen, Council.Member SECONDER: Doug Wilsion,'Counoll.M,embpr 'AYES- McNaboe; Hussey, Robles;Wilson,-Allen. 14.2021;-22-Mid.=Yearand Year-End Budget Review 'Terry Shiba, Interim Finance Director gave.the.staff report. and PowerPoint presentation for this item. RECEIVE AND FILE:THE,FY- 2021;..22 MID-YEAR AND YEAR-END REPORT. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER!", Jeff Allen,'Couhd.1'Membdr- . SECONDER! Doug Wilson,'Council Member AYES: :McNaboe,.'Huss ey,%ble,s, Wilson,Allen H. REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA,ITEMS:BY CITY COUNCIL - NONE I. CITY COUNCILCOMMUNICATIONS Council Member Jeff Allen On April 20,. 2022, Council Member Allen attended the San Bernardino County Solid 'Waste Advisory Task Force-meeting anddiscussed SB. 1383 and its implementation by -the end of 2022.. Council 'Member Doug Wilson Nothing to Report. Council Member Sylvia Robles Nothing to Report. City of Grand Terrace' Page 5 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council April 26, 2022 Mayor Pro Tem Bill Hussey On April 20, 2022, Mayor Pro Tern Hussey attended' the Coffee with a Cop at Woody's Classic Grill and discussed:law enforce ment.activities,throughout the City. Mayor Darcy-McNaboe On April 20, 2022, Mayor McNaboe attended the. Coffee with a Cop at Woody's Classic. Grill'and discussed law enforcement activities throughout the City. J. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS Konrad Bolowich, City Manager announced that the City.has,spent-the-last two '(2), days (with approximately three (3) more needed) working on removing, homeless encampment that is located at Barton Road where the-guardrail has been removed. K: CLOSED SESSION - NONE. L. ADJOURN, Mayor McNaboe adjourned .the 'Regular. Meeting .of the, City Council .at 9:00 .p:m. The Next Regular Meeting of the City Council will be held.- on Tuesday,. May 10, 2022, at 6,00 p,m. Darcy cN Mayor. ebra Thomas, City Clerk . City of Grand Terrace Page 6