05/10/2022 1T r CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • MAY 10, 2022 Council'Chambers Regular Meeting 6:00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center. 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Mayor Darcy McNaboe convened the Regular Meeting of the City'Council .for Tuesday, May 10, 2022, at 6.00 p.m. Invocation Council Member Doug Wilson provided the:Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance Ben Jones, Assistant City Attorney; led the Pledge of Allegiance. Attendee:Name- Title -Status Arrived Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Bill Hussey Mayor.Pro Tern Present Sylvia Robles Council Member_ Present Doug Wilson Council Member Present Jeff Allen Council Member Present Konrad Bolowich Cit . Manager Present Adrian_Guerra City Attorney Present Debra Thomas City-.Cle.rk Pre sent Terry Shea Interim Finance Director Absent A. REORDERING OF, ADDITIONS TO, OR REMOVAL OF ITEMS FROM THE AGENDA B. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS — NONE C. CONSENT CALENDAR RESULT: -APPROVED[UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sylvia Robles, Council Member SECONDER: -Doug Wilson, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Hussey, Robles, Wilson,.Allen- 1. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 10, 2022 2. Approval of Minutes— Special Meeting Workshop— 04/21/2022 APPROVE THE SPECIAL MEETING WORKSHOP'MINUTES OF APRIL 21, 2022. 3. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 04/26/2022 APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 26, 2022. 5. Ordinance Adjusting City Council Salary and Formally Establishing Vehicle and Technology Allowances DIRECT THE CITY .ATTORNEY TO READ THE TITLE FOR .SECOND READING, WAIVE FURTHER READING OF, .AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA ADJUSTING THE MONTHLY SALARY OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND ESTABLISHING VEHICLE AND TECHNOLOGY ALLOWANCES AGENDA ITEM C.4 WAS.PULLED-FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL MEMBER JEFF ALLEN. 4. Grand Terrace High School Senior Parade THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A RESOLUTION-FINDING THAT THE USE OF CITY FUNDS TO PAY FOR A PARADE FOR GRADUATING SENIORS AT GRAND TERRACE HIGH SCHOOL SERVES THE PUBLIC INTEREST. RESULT:, -APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jeff Allen, Council.Member SECONDER: Sylvia Robles, Council Member .AYES: 'McNaboe, Hussey, Robles, Wilson, Allen AGENDA ITEM C.6 WAS PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY MAYOR PRO TEM HUSSEY 6. Twenty-Ninth Amendment to Law Enforcement Services Contract No. 94=797 with the County of San Bernardino to Provide Law Enforcement Services for Fiscal Year 2022- 23 to the City of Grand Terrace 1. APPROVE THE TWENTY-NINTH AMENDMENT TO LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT NO. 94-797 WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO TO PROVIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES FROM THE SHERIFFS' DEPARTMENT FOR FISCALYEAR 2022-23; AND 2. AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT, SUBJECT TO CITY ATTORNEY'S APPROVAL AS TO FORM. City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 10, 2022 RESULT:, ..-, ,APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER:" • :Sylvia Robles, Council Member.'- SECONDER:• Doug Wilson',.Council Member, AYES: -McNaboe; Hussey,.Robles; Wilson,Allen ' D. PUBLIC COMMENT Juanita Odenbaugh, Grand Terrace expressed her concerns regarding semi-truck traffic in-her-neighborhood. She does not believe the signs for "no truck traffic" are placed .in the correct.location; they need to be placed on Barton Road. She asked when the wall will be built by a local business that was discussed with-the prior City Manager. She also stated this same business: has burn piles on an adjacent property which she believes is a danger to,the community and.requested that the City require the business to remove them. Bobbie Forbes, Grand Terrace also believes that the no truck traffic signs in the neighborhood are inadequate. She wants to report her concern about recent fireworks activity in the area. Ms. Forbes wanted to congratulate the Historical & Cultural Activities Committee on.its recent art show and how successful it was. E. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Ordinances of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California, Establishing Objective Standards .for Implementation of Senate .Bill No. 9 Pertaining to 'Urban Lot Splits and Two-Unit Developments and Updating the City's Regulations for Accessory Dwelling Units and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units Haide Aguirre, Associate Planner gave the staff report and PowerPoint presentation for this item. Mayor McNaboe opened the public hearing at 6:45 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT Bobbie Forbes, Grand Terrace does,not believe the implementation of Senate Bill No. 9 and regulations for accessory dwelling units is good for the community. She wanted to know, if modular units will be allowed, under the legislation and how the owner-occupied rental regulations will be enforced-if the property sells. Mayor McNaboe closed the public hearing at 6:48 p.m. 1. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING; AND City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 10, 2022 2. READ BY TITLE ONLY, WAIVE FURTHER READING AND INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE. OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF, GRAND TERRACE ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR URBAN LOT SPLITS AND TWO-UNIT DEVELOPMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SENATE BILL 9 WHICH ALSO FINDS AND DETERMINES THAT THIS ORDINANCE IS NOT A "PROJECT" FOR PURPOSES OF CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL. QUALITY ACT (CEQA). PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 65852.21,(J) AND 66411.7(N); AND RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER:' - ' Doug Wilson, Council Member SECONDER:_. -'Sylvia Robles, Council Member- , ' - AYES: McNaboe;Hussey, Robles, Wilson, Allen , & 'READ BY TITLE ONLY, WAIVE FURTHER READING AND INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO REGULATIONS OF ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS AND JUNIOR ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS, WHICH ALSO FINDS AND DETERMINES THAT'THIS ORDINANCE IS .EXEMPT FROM CEQA REVIEW PURSUANT TO PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 21080.17. -RESULT:: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER:. Doug Wilson, Council.Member, SECONDER_ _ Jeff Allen, Council Member _ AYES: McNaboe, Hussey, Robles, Wilson, Allen • . F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE G. NEW BUSINESS 2. Award of,Contract for HVAC Preventative Maintenance and Repair Services to Loma Linda Heat and Air Conditioning Inc.. Luis Gardea, Building Official gave'the staff report and PowerPoint presentation for this item. 1. AWARD AND APPROVE AN AGREEMENT FOR HVAC SERVICES TO LOMA LINDA HEAT AND AIR CONDITIONING INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $70,916.80 WITH AN. INITIAL 3-YEAR TERM AND 2 AUTOMATIC EXTENSIONS OF 1 YEAR EACH. 2. AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO- EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT SUBJECT TO CITY ATTORNEY APPROVAL AS TO FORM. City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 10, 2022 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] - WOVER:. Bill Hussey, Mayor,Pro Tern SECONDER: Doug Wilson, Council Member' AYES: McNaboe; Hussey, Robles, Wilson,Allen ' 3. Consideration of Commercial Cannabis Regulations Ben Jones, Assistant City Attorney gave the staff report and -PowerPoint presentation for this item. DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION. TO STAFF , ON ESTABLISHMENT OF A POTENTIAL COMMERCIAL CANNABIS. REGULATOR_ Y PROGRAM, INCLUDING WHAT TYPES OF CANNABIS ACTIVITIES TO PERMIT (IF ANY), RESULT: APPROVED [3.To 2] MOVER:' ' Darcy McNaboe,'Mayor SECONDER: , -Sylvia Robles, Council Member = AYES: -Darcy McNaboe,.Sylvia Robles, Jeff-Allen NAYS: 'Bill Hussey,-Doug-Wilson H. REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS BY CITY COUNCIL 1. Motion: Return to City Council-City Manager Form of Government Where Council Chooses one of its Number to Serve as Presiding Officer of the Council, to be known as Mayor Requested by: Council Member Sylvia Robles RESULT: DEFEATED [2 TO,3] ,MOVER:!, Sylvia.Robles, Council Member = : , SECOND_ER;. .Jeff Allen, Council.Member ".AYES: Sylvia Robles.,Jeff•Allen = ; -NAYS: _ Darcy McNaboe, Bill Hussey, Doug Wilson. 1. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Jeff Allen Nothing to report. Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Doug Wilson commented on committee meetings and events that he attended. Click here to view the report. City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council May 10, 2022 Council Member Sylvia Robles Council Member Sylvia Robles commented on committee meetings and events that he attended..Click here to view the report. Mayor Pro Tem Bill Hussey Mayor Pro Tern Bill Hussey commented on committee meetings and events that he attended. Click here to view the report. Mayor Darcy McNaboe Mayor Darcy McNaboe commented on committee meeting_ s and events. that he attended. Click here to view the report. J. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS Konrad Bolowich, City Manager-announced there is construction on Barton Road for-the new development. Over the next 12 weeks Barton Road'will be reduced from two to one lay in each direction for three to four days at a time between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. K. RECESS. TO CLOSED SESSION Mayor McNaboe recessed the regular meeting of the City Council to closed session at 8:50 p.m. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH..LEGAL COUNSEL -ANTICIPATED LITIGATION 'Significant Exposure to Litigation [Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9.(d)(2), e(1)] A.point has been reached where, in the opinion-of the-legislative body of the local agency, upon the advice of its legal counsel based on existing. facts and circumstances, that there is significant exposure to litigation against the local agency. The facts and circumstances are those that might result in litigation against the local agency but,which the local agency believes are not yet known to be a potential plaintiff or plaintiffs, which facts and circumstances need not be disclosed. Number of Cases: One (1) 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956:9(a) Case Name: Sunny Days, LLC v. City of Grand Terrace Case No.: CIV SB 2107692 City of Grand Terrace Page 6 Minutes_ Grand Terrace City Council May 10, 2022 RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION Mayor McNaboe reconvened the. regular meeting of the City Council from closed session at 9:12 p.m. REPORT OUT:OF CLOSED SESSION Mayor McNaboe announced that there was no reportable action taken. L. ADJOURN Mayor McNaboe adjourned the,:Regular Meeting of the City Council at 9:1.5 p.m. The Next Regular Meeting of the City Council. will be held on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. Da cy aboe Mayor bebra Thomas,City-Clerk City of Grand Terrace Page 7