06/14/2022 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL. MINUTES • JUNE 14, 2022 Council Chambers Regular'Meeting 6!00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center a 22795 Barton'Road CALL TO ORDER Mayor Darcy McNaboe convened the :Regular.Meeting of the City Council-for'Tuesday, June 14, 2022,.at 6:00. p.m. INVOCATION Mayor Pro Tern Bill Hussey-gave.the Invocation. .PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE' Council Member Jeff Allen led the Pledge of Allegiance, Attendee-Name = - Title . :- Status Arrived Darcy McNaboe, Mayor Present Bill Hussey Mayor-Pro Tem Present. Sylvia:Robles . . Council;Member_ Present . ' - Doug Wilson. Council Member. Present Jeff'Allen Council .Member Present Konrad.Bolowich. City'.Mariager .Present. . Adrian Guerra. City Attorney Present Debra Thomas . City Clerk Present . Ter Shea Interim Finance D ire ctorPresent. A. REORDERING OF, ADDITIONS TO, OR REMOVAL OF ITEMS FROM THE AGENDA B. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Debra Thomas,. City Clerk introduced Lanita Perez, new Department. Secretary for. the. City of Grand Terrace.. City of Grand Terrace Page 1. Minutes Grand Terrace City Council June 14, •2022 C. .CONSENT CALENDAR RESULT: APPROVED-[UNANIMOUS] MOVER: :Bill Hussey; Mayor Pro.-Tem SECONDER:. Jeff Allen,.Council Member AYES: . McNaboe, Hussey, Robles, Wilson, Allen. 1. Waive FuII Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 2, Approval of Minutes— Regular Meeting — 05/24/2022 APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 24, 2022 4. Letter of Support, for the Community Assistance, Recovery. and 'Empowerment Court Concept.(CARE Court) THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONSIDER ITS SUPPORT' FOR THE COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE, RECOVERY AND EMPOWERMENT 'COURT AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO.SIGN THE LETTER OF-SUPPORT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY•COUNCIL Agenda Item.C.3 pulled'for.discussion .3. Approval.of the.April-2022 Check.Register in the.Amount of$42.2,580.52 Mayor Pro Tern-Bill Hussey pulled Agenda Item C:3; Approval.of the April-2022 Check Register in.the Amount of$.422.,580-.52 for discussion. APPROVE THE CHECK',REG ISTER.NO..04302022 IN.THE AMOUNT OF $422,58.0:.52 AS SUBMITTED,FOR.THE MONTH.ENDING APRIL:30; 2022. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Hussey, Mayor Pro Tem ' SECONDER:- Jeff Allen, Council Member. ; AYES: _McNaboe,.Hussey, Robles, Wilson, Allen— D. PUBLIC COMMENT' Bobbie Forbes, Grand Terrace requested that the City would produce an idea to legally allow her to put up lost .and found_ signs for animals.. Ms. Forbes expressed her concerns regarding 22300 Barton Road and: what she believes to be an unsafe condition. :E: PUBLIC-HEARINGS.-NO.Nt City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council June 14, 2022 F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5. Adoption of the Fiscal-Year 2022-23 Budget, Konrad B.olowich, City Manager: gave the .staff report and PowerPoint presentation for this.item: .PUBLIC COMMENT Bobbie Forbes, Grand Terrace expressed appreciation .that the City.is hiring. more staff and she requested that Citystaff support and work with the community. 1. ADOPT A. RESOLUTION OF THE. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF `GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE .ANNUAL BUDGET FOR :FISCAL YEAR 2022=2023. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] : •- MOVER-:. Sylvia.Robles, Council Member SECONDER`. .JeffAllen, Council,Member AYES: McNaboe,Hussey, Robles, Wilson, Allen ; G. NEW BUSINESS Q.. Revised Special Events Ordinance Konrad Bolowich, City Manager gavethe staff .report and P.owerPoint presentation for. this item. THAT THE 'CITY COUNCIL RESCIND. THE EXISTING GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE (GTMC) 4,50 SPECIAL EVENTS. AND ADOPT THE REVISED CODE TO THE GRAND TERRACE,MUNICIPAL CODE (GTMC) 8.50- .RESULT: APPROVED"[UNANIMOUS] MOVER: JeffAllen,.Council Member. SECONDER: -Bill Hussey,.Mayor Pro Tern AYES: -McNaboe; Hussey,.Robles, Wilson, Allen - ; T. Discussion Regarding•the-Citys Unfunded Pension A OPEB.Liabilities Terry:Shea, Interim 'F',inance.Director gave the staff report and PowerPoint: presentation for this item.. RECEIVE. DIRECTION FOR. WAYS TO 'ADDRESS THE CITY'S UNFUNDED PENSION & OPEB LIABILITIES. RESULT`.• :PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF , City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Minutes Gland Terrace City Council June 14, 2022 8. Consideration of Entering�ihto. ah A'greeme.nt.with Multi-Bank S_ ecurities, Inc. & 'Opening a Custodial Agreement with Pershing LLC Terry Shea; Interim Finance Director gave-the staff report for this item. IT IS RECOMMENDED THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE- INTERIM FINANCE. DIRECTOR TO PURCHASE NEGOTIABLE CERTIFICATES OF- DEPOSITS AND OTHER AUTHORIZED INVESTMENTS FROM 'MULTI-BANK SECURITIES AND OPEN A CUSTODIAL ACCOUNT WITH PERSHING LLC. THE .AUTHORIZED SIGNERS: •ON: THE .ACCOUNT 'WOULD BE THE CITY MANAGER .KONRAD BOLOWICH'AND INTERIM FINANCE.DIRECTOR TERRY SHEA. RESULT; APPROVED.[UNANIMOUS] MOVER: - -DougWilson, Council Member ; SECONDER: Sylvia Robles,-Council Member AYES: = -:McNaboe;Hussey, Robles, Wilson, Allen 9. .Approval of Annual Appropriations Limit for. Fiscal Year 2022-23, Including Adoption -of the Price Factor and Population Change Factor for the Appropriations Limit.Calculation Terry. Shea, Interim Finance Director gave the-staff report and PowerPoint presentation. for this-item.. .(1) APPROVE THE. -SELECTION OF THE CHANGE IN PER' CAPITA. PERSONAL. INCOME OF 7655% AS THE PRICE FACTOR .FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2.022-23 -APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT CALCULATION; AND- (2)-APPROVE- THE SELECTION OF THE •CHANGE IN COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO POPULATION. OF 0.14% AS , THE POPULATION CHANGE FACTOR FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT CALCULATION; AND (3) ADOPT -A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' GRAND 'TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING. THE APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR. FISCAL YEAR 2022-23, INCLUDING ADOPTION OF THE PRICE FACTOR AND POPULATION CHANGE FACTOR FOR THE APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT CALCULATION RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jeff.'Allen, Council Member SECONDER: Bill Hussey, Mayor Pro Tem" AYES: McNaboe,.Hussey,:Robles, Wilson;Allen City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council June 14, 2022 10.App.rovaI, of Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement for Interim Finance Director and'Admini.stration Services with Rogers, Anderson; Malod.y and'-Scott,. LLP Konrad.Bolowich, City Manager gave the staff report for.this.agenda item. 1. -APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 2' TO THE. PROFESSIONAL :SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR INTERIM FINANCE DIRECTOR AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES WITH ROGERS,,ANDERSON, MALODY AND- SCOTT,' LLP; WHICH INCREASES THE.CONTRACT SUM BY $60,000'FOR A TOTAL CONTRACT SUM OF-$277,500.. 2. -AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO. 2, SUBJECT TO THE CITY ATTORNEYS APPROVAL AS TO FORM. RESULT: .APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] 'MOVER: '',:Jeff.'Allen, Council Member SECONDER: Bill-Hussey,Mayor-Pro Tem ; AYES:, :McNaboe,.Hussey, Robles, Wilson,Allen H. REQUESTS FOR.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS BY CITY COUNCIL - NONE I. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Couricil.Member Jeff Allen. Nothing to Report. Council Member Doug Wilson On June 8, 2022, Council- Member Doug Wilson- participated in an. interview with a representative: from. 'the Grand Terrace High. School "Teens for Change" group to ' discuss its mission. Council Member Sylvia Robles On-May 30, 2022, Council Member Sylvia Robles attended the Memorial -Day event held'at Veteran's Freedom Park hosted by the Veteran's Wall of Freedom committee. Mayor Pro:Tern Bill Hussey Mayor Pro Tern Bill Hussey attended-a-Memorial Day event, held in South Carolina. Mayor Darcy McNaboe Mayor Darcy McNaboe attended the Memorial Day Event hosted by the Veteran's Wall of Freedom Committee, Grand Terrace Community Days and participated in an interview with a representative from the Grand Terrace high-School "Teens for Change" group to discuss its mission. Mayor McNaboe also attended meetings with Omnitrpns and SBCTA to. discuss budgets. City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council June 14, 2022 J. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS .Konrad Bolowich,. City'Manager announced the following; City Manager's TAC group is.discussed the-sunsetting of Measure-I • Update on the City of-Grand Terrace's Vaccination:Clinic • June 28, '2022, San .Bernardino County Department of Health's COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic • July 19, 2022, San Bernardino County Department of Health's COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic K. CLOSED SESSION NONE i. ADJOURN Mayor Darcy McNaboe adjourned the Regular Meeting of,the City Council in memory of Grand Terrace resident, Leroy'Parker at'7:40:p.m. The Next Regular Meeting-of the .City Council will be held on Tuesday, June 2, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. Da rc Mc�labee�. ayor a .ra-Thomas, City (ierk` _ City of Grand Terrace Page 6