2015-07 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-07 f A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ADOPTING A NOTICE OF EXEMPTION AND APPROVING SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 05-19-A1 TO RE-ESTABLISH THE SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL CONCEPTS FOR A 35-UNIT DETACHED CONDOMINIUM PROJECT AT 11830 ` MOUNT VERNON AVENUE (APN 1167-292-01) WHEREAS, 2005 the Greystone Group submitted Site and Architectural Review 05-19, Tentative Tract Map 05-03 (Map No. 17766) and Specific Plan 05-02 for development of a 35- unit detached condominium project; and WHEREAS, on December 15, 2005, the Planning Commission approved SA 05-19, and recommended City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map -05-03 (Map No. 17766) and Specific Plan 05-02; and WHEREAS, on April 27, 2006, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 06-02 approving Tentative Tract Map 05-03, and on May 11, 2006 adopted Ordinance No. 223 adopting the Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, in 2009, Tract Map No. 17766, establishing the condominium map was recorded; and WHEREAS, Capital Pacific Real Estate, Inc., represented by Mark Mullin,purchased the site earlier this year and intends to develop the site consistent with the original approval, with slight modifications. However, expiration of the original Site and Architectural Review -necessitated Planning Commission review to re-establish approval; and WHEREAS, the Project site is zoned R3-High Density Residential and designated Medium Density Residential on the General Plan Land Use Map, located at 11830 Mount Vernon Avenue,identified as Assessor's Parcel Number 1167-292-01; and WHEREAS, the Project qualifies for an environmental exemption pursuant to Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, which exempts infill projects when the project is compatible with the General Plan and Zoning Code, is on less than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses, it is devoid of habitat for biological resources, the site is served by public utilities and services, and there are no impacts to traffic noise, air quality or water quality; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2015, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the Project at the Council Chambers located 2279 ' Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California and concluded the hearing on said RESOLUTION NO. 2015-07 PAGE 1 OF 1 SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the .Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace: 1. The Planning Commission hereby finds that the Project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act .(CEQA) pursuant to Section 15332. The Notice of Exemption prepared in connection with the Project has been reviewed and considered and reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission, and is hereby adopted. 2. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Architectural and Site Review 15-03: a. The Project is consistent with the intent of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and the General Plan. The proposed Project to construct 35 detached condominium units is consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and the General plan in that it meets the standards of the R3 zoning; the provisions of the City's General Plan Medium Density Residential category; and is consistent with the adopted Specific Plan. b. The location and configuration of all structures associated with this Project are visually harmonious with this site and surrounding sites and structures, that they do not interfere with the neighbors' privacy, that they do not unnecessarily block scenic views from other structures and/or public areas and are in scale with the townscape and natural landscape of the area. The design and appearance of the 35 unit project will be consistent with the existing residential development in the area and the City. In addition, the site will be appropriately landscaped to blend in with existing development and the setbacks and landscaping of the project will proved a buffer and transition to the single family homes on the east side of Mount Vernon Avenue. C. The architectural design of structures, their materials and colors are visually harmonious with the surrounding development, natural landforms, are functional for the Project and are.consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. The design is both functional for the proposed project and is consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. Color and materials will match existing materials and colors within the adjacent residential areas. d. The plan for landscaping and open spaces provide a functional and visually pleasing setting for the structures on this site and is harmonious with the natural landscape of the area and nearby developments. The proposed landscaping of the site will minimize any visual impacts to the surrounding area. e. There is no indiscriminate clearing of property, destruction of trees or natural vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides, thus the natural RESOLUTION NO. 2015-07 PAGE 1 OF 2 SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 beauty of the City, its setting, and natural landforms are preserved. The site is vacant containing sparse vegetation. It will not result in indiscriminate clearing or destruction of vegetation. Rather it will improve the aesthetics of the existing corridor. f. Conditions of approval for this project necessary to secure the purposes of the Grand Terrace Municipaf Code and General Plan are made a part of this approval as set forth in the accompanying Resolution of Approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Site and Architectural Review 05-19-Al is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Site and Architectural Review 05-19-A1 is approved to construct 35 detached condominium units in accordance with the original approval of Site and Architectural Review 05-19 and Specific Plan 05-02. This approval is based on the application and materials submitted on July 13, 2105, including the conceptual site plan, landscaping plan and color schemes dated August 27, 2015. These plans are approved as submitted and conditioned herein, and shall not be further altered except as modified by these conditions of approval, and unless reviewed and approved by the affected city departments 2. This approval shall expire twelve (12)months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless the use has been inaugurated or a time extension has been granted by the City, in accordance with Chapter 18.63 of the Zoning Code. Time extensions shall be filed at least sixty(60) days prior to the expiration date. 3. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Grand Terrace and its officers, employees, and .agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Grand Terrace, its officers, employees, or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval of the City of Grand Terrace concerning this project, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the Planning Commission, or Community Development Director. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 4. The project shall be constructed in accordance with all the approved plans and conditions of approval, including but not limited to site plans, floor plans, wall plans, building elevations, and landscape plans except as modified by these conditions of approval. 5. In the event that exhibits and written conditions are inconsistent, the written conditions shall prevail. 6. The applicant shall pay all applicable development impact fees, and demonstrate the payment of school impact fees to the Building and Safety Department. RESOLUTION NO. 2015-07 PAGE 1 OF 3 SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 7. Construction and operational activities associated with the project shall comply with the regulations of the City's Noise Ordinance, Chapter 8.108 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. 8. The applicant shall comply with the conditions of approval listed in the memorandum from the Director of Building and Safety/Public Works dated October 10, 2005, attached as Exhibit 1. 9. The applicant shall comply with the requirements in the letter `from the County Fire Department, Community Safety Division, dated November 1, 2005, attached as Exhibit 2. In addition, the applicant shall obtain and comply with updated conditions prior to the approval of the grading plan. 10. The applicant shall obtain all requisite permits and clearances from Riverside Highland Water Company (RHWCO), prior to the issuance of a grading permit and/or building permit, as applicable. 11. The applicant shall submit sewer improvement plans to the City of Colton Wastewater Department for review and approval. 12. The applicant shall incorporate into the project design all existing easements within the project boundaries, or obtain abandonment of said easements from the affected easement holder(s). If this requirement cannot be accomplished, the project shall be redesigned. 13. Air conditioning, heating and cooling units shall be ground mounted. 14. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit four sets of building elevations demonstrating conformance with the approved architectural plans, and with the adopted Specific Plan. 15. The applicant shall submit a utility plan with the final construction plans that depict the locations of utilities necessary to serve the residences. 16. All exposed retaining walls and perimeter walls shall be decorative. 17. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any perimeter walls on shared property lines, the applicant shall submit an Encroachment Agreement signed by adjacent property owners authorizing construction of block walls on the shared property line. 18. The applicant shall be responsible for regular and ongoing upkeep and maintenance of the property, including weeds and debris, and all on-site and parkway landscaping shall be maintained by the applicant in good condition at all times. 19. All on-site utilities shall be placed underground, as determined by the Public Works Director. All frontage utilities shall be placed underground, as feasible, in coordination with the utility companies. RESOLUTION NO. 2015-07 PAGE 1 OF 4 SEPTEMBER 17,2015 20. All construction debris shall be collected and placed in appropriate containers on a daily basis, and the construction site shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner. 21. A decorative wall/fence shall be provided along Mount Vernon Avenue. Said wall/fence shall be setback 10 feet from the Mount Vernon right-of-way line excepting where this distance needs to be modified because of line of site issues. A detailed fencing plan showing the design, appearance and location of all fencing shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. 22. A precise grading plan with soils report shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to the issuance of any grading permit for this project. 23. This project shall provide at least two covered parking spacesIin a garage and at least one open guest parking space for every four proposed units distributed throughout the development. 24. Three copies of landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Community Development Director for review and approval. Said plans shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. The plans shall be in substantial conformance with the preliminary landscaping plan, except that it shall conform to the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, as it may be modified by the state model ordinance and the amount of turf shall be reduced. Said plans shall be submitted prior to the issuance of building permits for the new construction. All landscaping and irrigation facilities shall be installed prior to the final occupancy of the any residential building. - 25. The proposed landscaping for this development shall include the parkway in front of the site along Mt. Vernon Avenue. The developer or homeowner's association .shall be responsible for the maintenance of this parkway landscaping. 26. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall annex into the City's Lighting and Landscape Lighting District. The applicant shall submit a deposit to cover direct engineering costs and administrative costs associated with said annexation. 27. The proposed open space lot in the middle of the proposed development shall include active recreational amenities. A detailed plan of this open space area shall be submitted to and be approved by the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 28. No building or portion of a building shall be constructed within the 19 foot setback as measured from the Mt. Vernon Avenue right of way excepting for patio covers which shall be constructed of wood. RESOLUTION NO. 2015-07 PAGE 1 OF 5 SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 29. No building or portion of a building or structure shall be constructed closer to the northerly, westerly or southerly property lines of the site shown on the site plan of the original approval. Exceptions may be made for patio covers which shall be constructed of wood; however, in no instance shall a structure be closer than 5 feet to any interior property line. 30. The driveways in front of each individual garage shall have a minimum length, as measured from the garage door to backside of the proposed sidewalk or edge of the interior loop drive where there is no Sidewalk, of 15.5 feet. In addition, all garage doors shall be of the "roll-up" type. 31. Any signs proposed for this project shall be subject to the sign regulations of the R3 Zone and to a separate sign permit application to be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department. 32. All parking areas shall be surfaced and maintained with asphalt, concrete or other permanent, impervious surfacing material as required by Section 18.60.040 B of the Zoning Code. 33. For any outside lighting proposed, a lighting plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of building permits.Night lighting for the buildings and parking areas shall be designed to reflect away from nearby residential areas and public roadways. Light standards on the site shall not exceed eighteen feet in height as measured from the finished grade of the parking surface. 34. The developer shall pay the appropriate traffic impact fees as required by City Ordinance No. 190 prior to the issuance of building permits. 35. All contractors working on this project shall acquire a valid City business license. 36. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with the City of Grand Terrace Stormwater System Ordinance, as it may be amended, (Ordinance No. 142, Subsection 1.010, 1993) and the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board's NPDES Permit for San Bernardino County, as required under the Clean Water Act. 37. A "phasing plan" indicating the proposed phasing and timing of the development shall be submitted to and approved by the Director of Community Development prior to the issuance of building permits. 38. The approval shall not be effective until the developer/owner signs the "Acceptance of Conditions" form that he/she is aware of and accepts all of the conditions of approval as imposed by the Planning Commission at the conclusion of the public hearing. 39. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the developer shall submit an "export plan" to the Community Development Director for review. Said "export plan" shall indicate the days and hours in which dirt-will be exported from the site and shall also indicated the proposed haul route for the trucks exporting dirt from the site. No grading pennit shall be issued until the submitted"export plan" is approved by the Director. RESOLUTION NO. 2015-07 PAGE 1 OF 6 SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 40. For"Unit I" on the southeast comer of the site next to the open space area, the east side of the building facing Mt. Vernon shall be architecturally embellished to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. Plans showing this architectural embellishment shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development Director prior to the issuance of any building permits. 41. The applicant shall contact the Planning Division for a final inspection a minimum two weeks prior to the inspection date requested. 42. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding, the applicant must sign and return an"Acceptance of Conditions" form. The form and content shall be prepared by the Community Development Department. RESOLUTION NO. 2015-07 PAGE 1 OF 7 SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a special meeting held on the 17`h day of September, 2015. AYES: Commissioners Allen, Giroux, Cesena, Chairman Comstock NOES: ABSENT: Vice-Chair Stephens ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Jessica Lambarena tom Comstock Secretary Chairman RESOLUTION NO. 2015-07 PAGE 1 OF 8 SEPTEMBER 17,2015 Exhibit 1. ... - -. .. .. -_ --•.. .. a ..... .....e 4.. .. . -. Building and SafetylPu :Warks'.Dpa Emeat;Cihons:ofApprovAl. Date:- 00to4er..10, 2005 ; Applicant: Tlie-�Greystoae'G ronp,;Yac: .Address of Applic".i: 341Beyside Djj�Saite7;Nopo)WBeacii;:'C 1206Q . - :Sta,Locat�om:. �;1183QZVt;VernonAv+eine[e;;Gra�rl'Teri�'ce,Cs' - . Telephone: 949:56&0 72 WO:#: I2=8=5417 Provide.fwo:2)of the:.following constc ictioia plaai - id'inforimiation:for eview of t ie"p ipa sad'. : , project:Ti o plans you-vi►11 sutimifi>-to°.theaPlaziaing I3epardaerit cati:bevognted.as P ? ! IT :Buiidiri an<l:Safe Ttie'Iriitial`,:r lan re; �,g_ ty _ P. view is ivally`w�ill°take:three:weeks=zsn most-projects°once. :Suildiiig;.aad=Safety.receives the applicants';packagefroia t2eF'Iaaiung Departiiient =Yon will. ,. t -receive-a�work;order,num.ber;at>tke.dine;you�subnut,plans`fortho;prflposed.project: Apl < eview feewill beFcharged'for reviewuigthe plans: This fed:will°fie determiii at later rate;wheaplans aie, wbsnitte�d;fbf rewew;".1?enmiit fee W,., ; iso:t e_c ed fot::ea�cl ;l uit�ii Tl e, fees;are iii dditian to°the fces paid to tfie;Plannng:Departmerit- Sets 2 Tttle;Re rt (2;) co dlSurvey, (2') Stree#:Improvement plans,Ao iricludercurts,=kal gr,sidew ao pav nig;street`l ghtsa;_etc. (2) wliter'Plans Architectural:Plans: (2) Structural-PIans:_ ,(2.) S.tactural calculations (2:). P16t7Site:Piatis:. 2`: p1lictricAl plans, - (2;)' --Elect&Al=Loa i.Calcutations (2) Plumbing;;Plain 7ls6metrics:.VVate%;Sewer:and;Gas: (2:) Mechai icd-Plans, (2;) 'Ntcchatu��ilDuct;Iayoert'Plans' .. - - , {2=): Roof°andYloorTruss.=Pl,'ans (2) Title 24 :AloWWO' tl (2) HidtolOgy"Study. �(22) 0--I 4, " )i;"Port Gradin .Ptah GIB& water,Quality' S16,c bilwl' ? ;For NPDES ,(2,-) To oftdr.y CO Amchiie's..shall. ig add !wA6UfdW I -oh t& .2001Ic"* a1 11 Mbih iM`&*AWElopmw b-d b" -J�- State af.7C w -SP —M Thw b. a.veloperlowner u resp6 Ple; :coo rdination m pC;M=qy, bbWAV Mpn L ­ MW b � - p b - on, om 'Wlding& Ry�taclia gOC3- . , _ b-of g, _ Buntingid9e jf"Pcc#Qnqpesi� idWnspep m danbe F. (2 yan e:PoUl diOy p i2 YP T so th, it 'Mfi$p"' --`d­ 'eB--0 &Safet;�publictop** 2,70MftrfRoWsWW%t,OfiM: q on ToiliathiAdifiessMI.-bep k'"'-'k' d' ,,sO6h shall es� ;tie,msinfainedin a sanitary condition: l"0 -o sl —C ike th" --h'All co ali-Ai ao'.Aot s IW'f la;,"Re' ip, , , F.p.ppm an 7 _p,,y, ret po,ns-lbkc lorexce—twg:ihema S,$hW l' Imth60 dhsftucfi6M 60o0dWth"l; occipw shWl,--be,given,ib,AhvJJ ft'.Inspec C Constiuctiogprojectswluchre,q Buiicpw-, v " - 0 14-T T- i . P l) t adimsa , ,A-dth " esp:.04; ' C tm e bt, -4power<a -01 -100 tu&wbt U-ocatodtdl Installation p �Cphsuwfitw/ 6"Arii eTszx- AdcAtedili,16" right 'W i vpW, w didgh 'f"VOY T I.. - -Installs.:concrete :sidewalk' extensiai�s Fleyand..:tlie:xiresr¢poitioi%•�of`.a.:driveway:-:approach, ,- providirig:less`than'2'/.4.cross fall for chsa6led accessi-:: _ 2. Alt:work:perfonnedin:'the,pubt�c;ngtitaifway:siialll °i :complm ce uvithithePublic',brks Construction:HaiidboolC:;(Geen`Haok} 3. P or to;perauiw applicantshall=pay,capital',iinpmvemeut;which iuclud ,street park;°stoim. - drain,:curculation-and;trat�ic mptoverierit°fees:�Se�ire=Assessment�F�eerDistrict Nc�.�I::CSA hiii sU4. Allonsiteut h ound to each structiuc. - _ 5. Street:cut'pertmts'are:requirei'before,;workbegins'iri:the;rigtit c f;way.: Subiriit:planslbt review to tl e'Public Woiks.`Depor neat prior t i stye t setts:_ 6: Pursuant#o:Sectiba 721 1,o€the,Califoinriia`piumIffi g acaseaieats will traed:'to'l e'°,Coae,; n- x estabIistiedaud: �aea;wttli;tlie:Cou {`.�♦Recorder:fn h����/yry[�J�y�(j�{� Iaa'/���y�j��/�y'willaeeii '' f -iK n page to be provided regariling:tlie rasurtenance.gtthe"dowustc i'sewer I e F`I' s language will nced'tb bc;part ofthe'hoinrownet Assoc anon agreeineiit and::also-:be irejriewed by;:the`City A.Mey..pnor-ta,'reco din 9 -P:,the wtraci'ma G T Ivi C sCha` ter°l�tt4�. Sections I,4Q_•and Y1 160 7: All..proposed,publicstceetiaipravenieritsslllbeesiBYPersonsegstered:adlicens+ . pursuant-toti the Business and=Profess ons Code :Storm:water'easemeats will nee '-to►lisestataised,aecoriled aith`tlie..iCounityRecorer ... x,_ �, ,::..y.... ... ....:.. .... far:ea,ch: disc storm.waiter:<I�ariguage;will:need ta'be>provided:re ardin „.. . PrtY g g iriaigteriance.o€tle iiawnsteatri sorm:waterfaciLues .KK 'iis-laagaiage:' to ie`pacti.of. the' omeownei'associatioa agreement and also-lie-ievtewed byAhe City Attoriiey'pno_r'to recording=:the tract,map G:T.M C`Cl>aper,I3:20, f 9. ,Public;;streettxm vements, istatri vofv v ed s d pm ex girt_ Retau<aiiY daiia ewallr,'`curb`'or . gutter due.:.todatnagedfron`constructon:_ -- a - - -' . 10. Subaut,.cl gam ce.,:documents frona'the;''iviciiig-,iifil"'for:the iaiilt'areanextsto.piibl c`'right, of wa ,166ted o-ii the:fran riortlr side f the rope: - Buildii r—mit;Condition4:` 1'. Priot to:;theissuarict af`Boildirig..Pemuts; on,si#e water.service.:shall tier„installed;-and;a:;, , .. - a roved.b"Ahe iespons 61' ag*"-y Odthi=�F ie'HydrantsssbaU`-,be,:a' coved'b rthe-_l e, 1?p 4 4„.. pp Y {DepartuienL No:flammabfe materials vsnlibe allowed vn the sita.until the Fire Hydrants ae establfig and appibved. Na'f ainiriable coastnicfio miatenels shall:l a placed;an:t ie sitet wi#liaut.approVails bythe-File Departmeiit:x.A1lstreetand access>roadways aoniid thieproject stealt: Poed'for:.emergencyiesponsevehicles':Ixefoceflain natilemsttenals:arepiac+ loathe pcbject. a4 PIT 7 own- -4 -'7, Mx not'' OW­17,­1. 19 71'�51T,. V�, AXY Q F. , ­` 0 Nor M- W. No I way'. 1W v-4 Wk Xx I oil- x"p- a f � I W In. % •rn qz, min ATv Q W Olt iK P. "ate —M AN x A7 U\ _4 'N' N!y"i -,NO , Q.- I _V U q R, r. a ar S.- V 4 4 OWN. ­5 OA —owl a- MO. WW sm A M I•AP "R :,4 "PO �-o g" W —man, W NN to &NOT JI '%R NAV, IN —p Q, 'who IT Way" W 11w U-M gq� WIN cum a V is W-gy' AV MIN N\W Nam, A 11_1� -'t'-,z V "T'I'll 01� Wl,�� 1K. a S W x % RR pow, N v dc lal W? to Z to l TAN, Atv ma Rp 144, -1 t ,Z Wa Vol it IMF MW WSW 0Q, 61 5 Evil 4- Vol W MI r"A V, XQ Q- tl, Yom al 13-1"Vi OW In ,";z "NOL IV p qc­ IN IVA vt­ W� IS o A g t1i I WD 'P,110,92%,�N, 'liff MxN ZR In MI 4 Y a p; 10 F, va a R1 WN Ag ob Min twill SO, I, AQ-RA, M t "A ARM, %0, "'y,, -1 .......... 7`1 _24 R 9.Apt Q 'R W In, MN 4", 'n gth. , uk c,\ RX,,Oz""� Sam W �Tz z , AlK NAM* av s, j, % IN 1A 'F 1- sit _R, A N A N, D-ill A Q -;Q �l to �,nWINKra N A T& K xjA -An R elm, lot I W put ........... v p\ ��A t oil TABLE OF' CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTIOPi A. LOCATION;& SPITING Regf,gAal L:O ad on Locat-Settin Project Site R, PAgf Ft SI7- C. ASSESSOR'S PARC8L,J'vw.ER D. TOWNSHMAANGE6&`:SEe1ION E, E�crS rIIs�:I,AND;Ust>;s({3risite/.Surrounding) Land Me F. EXISTING f PROP4sw.GL1uERA—L,PLAN(Onsite!•Surrounding) CT. EXis ra•T�../PROPOSED Zf�NING.:(Qnsite!Surrounding) H., EXISTING TERRAIN, ICI. P-ROJECT DESCRIP-11ON TYPt&OF USES R ARCHITECTURAL'STYLE C: SQUARE:FUO•TAGE D., PARKING E. •SHMACK-S F. Accla g G_ 'GRADING H: LANDScmMj— I. V4LS&f 8NCING J. SIGNAGE K. PjWnt o, GreenbriarSi,ni fc.Ptan 1- TABLE OF CONTENTS M. INFRASTRUCTURE A. WATi?R SI?RVICE B. SEWER'SERVICE C. DRY vTIi.mES 'Eimb a ty Go Telephone Cable D. DRAINAm E_ TRAFFIC CONTROL F. COSTS IV. AAC10OWLEDGM ENTS A. APPLICANT,/DEVELOPER, D. PRO]EeT TEAM G., LOCAi,A.E&CY 'I Etfl' G .k : . 4 Greenhriav$pecific lan, 2 INTRODUCTION G"EXAMAR, UCTION INTR The Greetibriar.Specific:Plan.iviU serve`as:its`owA zoMng,,ordinance and will.be' tseisto odelineatedonthe( nd"T�rr4ce.Zo* tiiap�Itsprp eao;amore desiaie-Aevelopm ,-thAt woLAdbom6lLAe nd ih cee exa ' neigbbo rbood_a The.Specific.Flaart is-.ta lored,,to.the-exiating:.site=configut;itiori:and envircinmetital =setting. This'Specific.Plan:Provides;s' "A implementation plans and development ttatidards-that.wilLgovern develeipment and-,-Wiff allow'€ peditiaus review; processing„arid:approval of'development phases tE%aht are`in compliance With this. Specific Plan and its.goals'and policies: A. LOCATION&SETTING Regional.Locr don The Crreetibriar Specific-Plan'is locateif`in`the Inland Empiie::regon of Southern California iti tho:city of Grarid`Teriace: Grand'Terrace:s:.apgra iriaEel---7 'I--- northeast-of Rive,rside and 6 iriil`es.southwest`;of.San. eznardi to:and directly east of the.215.Freeway Imtnediately.,4 hcent tii.'Cat-and:Terrace:ot :tlre'. ortl2, east,,arid' west:is.the communityof Colton: To thhe soudt is tlie'Rive side Catxiity uriincoiparated-coinrriunity af-HighgroVe.Please see Eih bit A,below"for ti e regional location of the city of;Grat d Teriace. ." merino springb t'tfii `4 Sate.&gnat din* Plana, 63 Ito (#ziu' Ct atrixc€ria :;:} `'I,c i to "l�ratid'Trcae €d ' .� *�,#:s ieatia'AL:�nur� ^' v+�i-s`s • . . ' ., Elca, , Ct1PCCs" ;Gssa:Bk:€t€ta; r::. I� C1 , "Him, 'E .,,,'; -. ppryry'`:.` ., '"r^,.. •�t; 'v .X«a a: _ E�hibit:A The:Grecnbr`iar Draft.Spe+ceGc Plaez I=1. INTRODUCTION The city of Grand.Terrace-is approximateiy,3:b:>sq, miles and Has an"average elevation of 1,065-ft. It is.sharacterized Eiy"iieirig:nestleci biaw'een:twci mountain ridges,.Blue M6untain to thie,east, and La.Lgnwi ills to•the west. 'Ibe,Santa Ana River flows front ibe.nCittlieast to.the-u�st just northvrest'.of the City.,The elevation of the, allows for extended views of the region including.the:San-Bemardino and San.Gabrielimountain'raages.:Pleas-e see Exhibit 4-bel6vv,for th6 location of the project site within'the city df-Grrandfierrace: f -�y�` ASKM TO wax _ ' -.\,• ,r..L� - t ' f =^gyp , '. Exhibit B' T 6,.Greenbi-iAk,Draft-Specirit,Plan I IJV-TR 0OUCTION o— Project Site The 1.66 acre site is occupied by:an a zig.single:fainiIy residential.divelliitg:a vacated-sivimmirig.pool and several.(ap pro xirriately 4)'wood ai d"l or:coirugateel .metal structures, All.of the,struatires are eluste-ted,nortliI ceriir-al td#he,�stibject property-, The e)isfi g,:strizctgtes and ished under--a separate :permit,and.the:sitewill lie'cieated for the.proposed residential development.- The topography-of'the:site slopes from east to West anti there.,are no'signi&.mt, land& ms on the site. Additional information,relaiedta-site-:topograp#iy can be fouind in Section I-H of this Specific'ltaiil. The site:is bounded on the nortliwest-and south:by tha Alands.A.partinent Complex. The east"side:o£the°property is'bounded by MountNerhon'Ave. East of Mount Vernon.Ave;:is"an:existing single-family residential rieigfibarhaod.-Please see-]Exhibit,,f'or.photograp4s`ofsite:'a it.ciirrently:eists. a r. �V -\ 'r r'�:i a ,-.axd�r,,f'v«'S°fa: 'r" •° .F-' '�s.s�€ a,"'a•' '' s '•. .. ;a•>x =` .:.Y4a � s«'r.*'c, d^zF 1.=s i ••> <"te> ,>ssP <r .,., n t�,�,t°,�b'€, w`y`: a a �dj:��T�a .#'.4¢..w,a �'�'.\e`.`,\i y"S .-�� '� .. ,,, .i�.=.�E.,.' .ydws rT• .. nmm'�`,vsr.�J �wzw.mo�-'"�`�S°°z.�d- k�,i.. ., ai�u'a:, ._. �. ,,...-.. ..a�•i.�.>;�.,.....,, 'y`p ,�., � .,.s " ,+� v4..'a�:'�'�rd-s"°.a •. �;�"x'.%,,S°�'�' p,'�,�i�' T .4 •Y`�'�.,4 ��� „' >'i'r V"�ag:� - w:SY,,•. ..`>.k r��'� r4. .> :y.,. ! _>'T. �Sl.�a,'.a.. =aMw''9 a'�T Via.� <a`2S»> vs r...x``�n. y4i s' •�.'3� �. _ _." ,� ,�: :,.,<.>'.`.:»..::,�e�...i«�ro- ..n.»- _'yr �,'4�,- .r�, b:".' > t .:;� - if�`•Y;4:`:si' � �' `�"'p b.sauv».`% a > `. N Is fD �.a w�t` - lihibit C. fife:-Greenbiiar Draft Specific,Pbn =3 :INTR01717WON B. PARCEL'SIZE Parcel:Size;3.66 Acres C. ASSESSQR'SPARCELNUItrtEER(S)- APN'275-251-8. Please see;Exhibit b'below_ Par'Grand Terrace;Traef,&48.,11/4. t1ap7 �f; z7s>i5 a Poc ttesab ar Grand Terrace-Tiaet,,RS1/33 r s — .A4LHU[i'i� .R Y) E 2IIF t g, 10 01�`! -may , '. �� j!y G W `tC• ...(�} • .f r :t W b tjQQV7pi :.V' [a •mow Tmd Nc i264.tl,$2<PM•t9 A9AKb Lad Nmt37S7.7Kd22ti62-63 "atfOssw ; ♦< 'Ae Iklto Ki54i9:DIL'1D7K1•{f AM WiioNft*sll WALa CW OBOk•$7i;-Pa9e 25. ,yNlc P iktft4 N.s 57i4:P.it fa9r Nuepei,SLaYR rn•Cac4>• Son•$arnafdNlG CWnfY inx�v=4 Exhibit-D D. TOWNSHM RANGE& SECTION Township:l S,Mange 4W. ,'Section 33: E. EXISTING LAND USES.:(Onsite/ Surrounding) The•site,is curiently.occupied'by an aging iesidenfial•strticture-and,:riiughly'four shed,type structures. The property,is bounds"to the�north,�west and south by-the Mghland apartment:complek.which consists of:on..grade waik,up apartment structures, open and.covered parking'and:driveways. ;Immediately w4he.east.is. Mount Vemon Ave.., and:Canal St.:isInord westzof,the site.DirecOy--narth;of Oanal St. is•the 215 EreeWay with a ut"ramps at Bartbnitoad south ofth+�'site and'af Vash ngton.St. north ofthe'site. The-Greenbriar Draft'Speci IC Plan - 14 INTW lOD UCTION F. VaSTING%PROPOSED'GENER;AL.PLAN(Qnsite-/Surrounding)' in'the.Grand'Terrace General.:Plan;two,residential classifications are.*Aned to meet Plan 6licies calling for a range of housing°types: low'densify,:and medium density. Low DensityResidential_(I to S.Units-,per Net Acre)are:.areas that,have- either previously,been developed or are°proposed jo'be>develo ed:with#aditional single-family'hbmn s and/or duplexes, tfiplexes,-and:faurplexes-on sufficiently sized, lists.consistent.with-the provisions of the'zoning,ordinance: This category-could also beVsed within,sensitive-hills&areas;where'the clustering.ofunits would create.a beneficiafimpact to the communitywhilestill remaining.within,the,dens# perimeters of l to 5 units per,acre.All developments-of 20'or more,units,are,so*ct toile Planned Unit Development/Specific:Plan regizirements;specifiedl.withinthis section. Medium Density Residential(6-12 Units,per.Net Acre)appliesto;areas intended for the development of multiple residential.iinii,projects:ineluding townliomes, condominiums and apartments at.a density.up'toy lZ trriifs,per-acre. The:rriaximii density of=12 can.be exceeded up to:25 percent(maximum 15 units per acre) fthe -following findings can be made: 1)the approval of the project will achieve other policies as.detailed withinthe General-Plan;,which,will-benefit the communityas a whole_(such.as.dedication-and/.or-substantial,participation in the developrrienvpf public.facilities);�and,2)the..e�istirig,,i.nfi'astructure,,indluda'ng_the:surtounding roadway network,,can adequately support the increased level.of development. Surrounding General.Plan designations;are"Mediuni.Density Residential"`for the property.to the north,west and-south: Easvof Mount'Vernon Ave.the General plan designation is tow,DensityResidential.. G. EXISTING/PROPOSED.ZOI TNG(OnsHe/.'Surrounding) Ofi*e Existing Zorung'is.R=3 Medium Ddn'tity.Residential, 12 DU/AC<M'a)dmum: This district is intended--for:medium.density multiple family development: The minimum lot size is-T2,000 sq,.ft. witha.maximuin density-of twelve=plus.02+) dwelling units per,gross acre.The minimum linear feet.of an interior lot is 60 , and'Ahat-of a corner'lot is 70 L The minimum linear-feet of t:he;depth.of the,lot is 100 t.,with a miniinum of 40.linear feet.of.street frontage;Living..area fora single family.un4'is.1,350:sq.ft. with.a niaximum,height of35 ft. the maximum percent. oflot coverage.is.60%, Thd;proposed Zoning"Iis�the same;. Surrounding Zoning desiiriiations areR-3 Medium"Density°Residential;.22btVAC Maximum for the,property'.to the,north;west-and,south.. East of bent Vernon. Ave,the Zoning'designatioti is­ 11.R1-7,2-Low`Density kesiderttial,.wiili a minimum parcel.size.of 7;200,sq. ft.Please,see:Exhibit�E on the:following-,pagefor the Zoriiiig onsite and:in the surrounding:area. The Greembfiar•Draft'.Specifi flan I:5 INTBODUCTIOIN Site`Bbiandaty with:OmIte and Sut'rauatdi�g,Zo'ning' zonIng.. .vim r. A ''RI-Z ZSingfe'A*iI[ty - = �•�� _��.f-�, «�r{^ 'v,��. ,„,� ^�, '? �•:' ;R2%Lawft�ed;iJensifyit�stdentiaf MI R3 rst#t9i�cfrtr[?grtsiy ResidQ}iW z'� «, • �.. arc.. '�',•�'�' i�;�a•., l ' W, BR5A-Gericval Coafr»erclaf , Gommarctaf- a A*Agirfatstrat3v�Pro�essitaifad �v.ME.4+ eJ 5' '; mom:�. ,b�°. 6^;'T.;. �'Y3,,.+• < H '"^''.- a�}. 3`A��+i*�i' 6. •'S6`•� m•c",�.�ry2. >„5�,� v' v:., ,, +��xqj ., Exhibit E' H. E)USTlNGTER PUNIN' The soils`.on'the siibjectpropertyconsists mainly ofan. p` layer_oftat avid fine sand.-with'clay, underlain by an older.alluvium'layer.consistingvfdense•silty sand -. with-traces of gravel. Undocumented'fill'inateiials-wer..e;encouriterediii portions of `the,site,likely,as,a result'ofypast`:grading activities: 'Crirt�undwater was no encountered 111'thevc0oratory excavations: RA to the"Prefitriinaz.y Geotechnical- Evaluation dated`Febraary 16,_2005 pie pared'by'GreoTek,.Tnc.'tor:detaiien- inl'orinatioirregardin$geology,boring details_and•getitechnical tecommdndafichs. The,Greenbriar lDratt�5pecific'P,iau' I INTRODUCTION .hydrology The existing site slopes.approximately 41 %iii awesterly direction-with Mount Vernon Ave.being:at-the=high;pointofthe.property:,-The site,faf 9 near!y 25'ft.. t 6om:,easi.to wes and.steps-d`owri-in'.two areas.creating;tliree.somewhat..Ievel=pads:; There=are-substantial�slopes-throughout:the perimeter of the property with the steepest,,being along.the,southerly edge. The,site.currently,accepts-a#1=site wilter from,Mount Vernon Ave.,via.,a catch-.basin.Which.outletg;anto-thez,subject property. The,project•site currently drainwto lfomeighboring property`to the"soiith and'west. lt..should;be noted;that< block outs-tin the�existing iiiocic wall_rvere:buiItlo allow for diainage onto hexabove mentioned neighboring,site. These apeiii have'smee been,removed forcing the water to,rema4on=site. Biological Resources The,site has-been previotisly'distuibed;to the,best-ofthe applicant's,knawledge, there are no,known:significant.biological resources on site. Land Use See;S.ection I-E. OUSTING LAND USES (ansite/Surroundings). The Green6riac:Tlraft,Specific=Ptait: 1.4 CHAFfER1 SCRIPTION PROJECTIOW GRERNRRIAR SPEC'IW PLAN PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. SITE USES, The residential development,wift be subjeck to,development standafO_specified in this Speeific Plan:.Where:speeific development.standards;have not:been ideritided it this.Specific Plan,.development will comply with applicable sections of the City of Grand Terrace General Plan. Where:this Specific flan does detail.-standards-'or" regulations,.:how,ever, its provisioris:,will.supersede ahy conflicting,.provi'sions;ofthe. City of Grand Terrace'Municipal Code: The proposed-residential community will.consist of35 single family residential. units with attached garage,pgking-for residents and open parking,for'guesM Lot sizes range from.2676,9q: ft..'to 434,1 .sq:'l i,:.The average-lot size 4 2941,sq.K. While.not officially-counted'in the parking:tal ulati,pr'itshould�be noted that the site design also features drivew. 4ys which-are:a minimum of 18;fL deep-and are capable of providing additional-guest parldn'for each:home: The:site is accessed .r.. by a single, non,gated vehicular access.pointllbeatedat the,-southeast;comer of the property that.provides vehicular access`to Mount'Vernon-Ave. Tho:intomal street system is a 26 R.-wide loop streetth94 will`provide ease ofaecessto>all of the, homes-Within the site. The internal street system is augmentedwith 8,264-.-wide paved Emergency Vehicle;Access-(EVA),,thai provides a secondary.access to Mount Vernon Ave. atilipmortheast comeT--of the'site.'The.EVA will be�for emergency use-only, and will be gated.andjocked with a Knox Box:device. The;.site will also,include a:,passive landscape sfatemerit-adjacent;to_flit entry; as well..as an,actiye open.space,'located;,central to,,-the confiiiunity. With.its-moderate- density(10 M/AC),.this new residenbW,.neighborhoad will'act.as-a.ttansi cfnal- element between the.existiog single=family-commuWiy,on,the'east side.ofNMount Vernon Ave. and the.Mghland.Apartmeritsto the:west. In:additioii _the.Greenbriar community will replace,an aging andd poorly maintained.element`in the neighborhodd'with 6i..attractive,,vibrant,npighborhoodthit willcomplement.the otherwise,.,positive fabric ofthe-commu ityy.g..large:($ee Section 1'=A:LOCATIGIN &.SETTING,fora description of the-site in" its..current form).Please-see ExhilikV for site-use designation. a The Greeubrnar.'Draft Specific'Ptan. TI:1L PROJECT.DESCRIPTION B. AR:CMECTURAL SME The.project consists:of(2)door plan"$.ari&V. )elevation styles per floor'plan. Both floor plans employ,a 2-car garage and,,(2)stories: In addition, the:program:of each,plan'includes,living:and.dining rocims,kitchen,and bb&ooms on the s&ond floor. The architecture of the project utilizes,a.concept,called the'tPocket Lot." The floor plan focuses on,the private:outdoorspace. This space is.created by,-eroding,:a:comer of'a typical single-family home, creating.a:notch at the rear of the plan. .livingand eating spaces orient-towards this pocket"sand create&:living arrangeriment that enhances the:connection between.indoor space,and-ppyate outdoor space. Tlie' pocket also provides:an abundance of light into_the living spaces.:Privacy,'both indoors as well.as outdoors;is;maintaioed'using the zero-lot line:principle. This principle.eliminates the typical.side-yard:fence-ihat-creates two side..yards: The: -boutidary shifts to theneighbbr'.s wall; creating a:wider'side.,yato. This:activates .the:side yard. The,windows,on thenoighbor's wall,,do not orient'to:a.view out into one's backyarii--either a high clerestory4ihdow•or an.,opaque'gl4ss,'thd eby maintaiicing one's privacy_ Elevation styles incorporate architectural,elements:.frain early 2&'Century California Spanish bungalows. The arclutecturaLpa's h'S gives relief fc!Ihe.street scene. Single°story edges are oriented.tathe front of House.,Front to-back roof framing,lowers the perceived height of tliehomes. Low-pitched-roofs and barrel- shaped roof tile-accent the Spanish character. Stucco watls provide,a,modern interpretation of the:plaster walls typical ofthe,older'5panish bungalow,style: Window, shapes.and sizes provide:a-str.*:fnendly presence to the`home.Decorative wrought iron and shutters:accent the home_. Colors are-subdued.but-highlight the: essence of-the style. The interpretive nature of the,elevation styles reflect-the:nature:of American architecture—an evolving,process offusing.modein.ways of living,(prevalent in the floor plan design)with,remnants ofthe past,and its nostalgia-{fouhd'intthe borrowing of early California:arclutectural.elements.) The arcWtecturelof the homes provides-apleasant.kile acid.presence tathe:bygall,site-arid:will,fit within, tha,overall place. Please see Exhibits_iGt'II,n'G2 for examples..,of the,project's architectural-style. The Greenbrier Ori t Speci6c.Vhm Ili 2 Existing Residential $1W ftur"Army Total Homes 35 Net Acres ±3.7 Net Density ±9.4 homes/acre Parking 88 Covered Parking 70(2 per home) Head-in Parking IS A 4 `z Main Entry "i-M if NORTH LACCH if 'S 15 Ro u P rcen6rjar City.of Grond Terroce, ColUornio Exhibit F—Site Use Designation Ra ECT DES1, CA1 TION C. -SQUARE FOOTAGE tagb ofPlan.l: ,is.,'J,6 sq. ft. The,sq0aire oo The square foo A. 1B, and'I C �iK fi -tag Plan 2A, 213,,an4 2C,is 1,771 sq. %P16asb,.see.Exhib its'Hl,,and;H21f qr-floor plans: D. PARKING parking acp&provided proyj"*d';' on this site: 70 spaces are cov Od n -8: pace are,aUocatod--f6rvisito 'g., x1gA4. Pleasesee'Exhibit'l d.1' s �s. r,parking & for paiking,d6signation. E. SETBACKS Front: 10,ft. minimum(except for tW6'6f tjie corner lots—one.,,cornor.lot,.has.a.-5 ft. setb4pk). Side: 8,ft. minimum, and Rear: 54.,,minimum'.-Please see Exhibit-1 for civil site plan showing,setbacks. F. ACCESS The,§ite-is_de§ignqd'tomeet.all-fire'accessre qWemen z, The priyate--Arive maintains a 26,ft.unobstructed vvidtli,and,itturning radius 0. 5 f 4 :ft., All'Adad-endc �, streets-and,drivoways;arewithin 150 ft.,irilength which,is_requiiked-.f6r emergency vehicles. The iiie.is,deOgntd"tosaiisfyfa. ADA:regoiremeritS.,Pleaso see Eihib fi for site, ' an pli showing-acoess. G. GRADING The,proposed.site wifl':be-p-raded,io:dr,ain,E6meast,to-W.e4t,fLt.,gn'average.grade:of. 5.0%. Eastto>west fall will be approxiiriitely 20.A.,,%Wth th6.ea'sterly edge ofthe site-having-a high-pointa, ft. (jou hly level,vWith-.Mount Vemoil Ave`).and theJowest pad;.on-i�e,West;end oftho:gi J;065.4 1 0*,ft.._R6taidng,Vi%wilf.be used onTi*.y-aH,ofthe=spWh,we,st,-.and,noithem,,,b6undarfesof`'the,,site; Retailulig Walls will,not be,nee4td.or used-onitho:,eastekly- (Mbutit.Verridii.Ave)edge of the` property. The Maximum retaiping.wall is'.10.5>ft.iiihei'lot,aiidi6poits'-alo-'pgthe southeasteily edge-of the.,sife,howev.-prih_e niajorityzof,,�4e-,s,itewiU;i.nwm- orate refainiiig,,walli,ra4ng:froni'apptoidihat6lY3",,ft�.,to:,6.5.�f.t-. in;,Mght-G&adii1gfhr-tfiCi Proposed site-will..generate-approximately 25;PQ'O"CY',of-soil.export. ,Siqrm,,wat Pr -,Mifbecollec(6d*via anlifid,erard-und:.storih drain systetn;p4d odtjetthrpilghthe= retaining will,neat the-southwest.corner'dfi�,e4te, ,A"',diditionalI A-&Wf 16r t,he, proposed storm water plan cin be found.in section 111-1). DRAINAGE'of this Specific Plan. Please.see gib.ibit,-J-for,,the='Conceptual-.G=ading.,Plan., The Gr nbrhw'Draft-S H-3 � ------------- ... W f h-mml riar ^tav� Illy~GI.qd 7.,.~ "^.^~^ Exhibit GI—Elevations I -___--- `�' `f� r -.'r1:. ���P' .._�"'�-r, roar •-c__- � ;..A�p f 3 i �'t »p .f�l 3. �� Ib• L NU Plan I A Plan 2B Plan I C � � 6 ..l_{14 TH E—. caoup Greefl rear i ��'- <irV of Grnrd lorrn_a,<nllForn(n � KxGOIU mru�ww rw.lG•I605 Exhibit G2-Elevations 2 ' . � / r LJVWO DDnNG LIA MRATH Plan I l,8DI SF LACM _L —~mxm nar City�=_T—~ ~"O~^ Exhibit M--FlmonPlan 1 ............ .................... Min, IL- REAR FRONT .......... z LEFT RIGkFr C. Upood Ufter Tail. Plan 1 D: .w F..1. S. vow p."If ood Sh.t.— "All Elevations Wood col- 1-4 Cott,' Sl=*1 7. a—Ca-h Light X ftlloo.... L. Deo.tative GWolc fttlwMrB M. Xttic Vo"'I . .)WON VaN —Green6riar City of Good Tote—C.41[omi& Exhibit 111-1 Elevations 7 "T 7 ...... L L FRONT .. ................. ............ R-- f- LEFT RIGHT ma..W._LO"d Plan 1 —T .d ft.t" =d Shut— "B" Elevations G: W.Od C.1— =BtLV,Coach Llm ight L: Dew CLIO StiI4 altimko" ..—Cl. G3. t2—kO- M. "ttl. 4 WSWAN Ucc" —C-3reen6riar up City oe..C,I Exhibit H1-2 Elevations - ------- --- --- ........... - - -------- JI; REAR FRONT go LEFT RIGI-IT Plan l _ "C" Elevationsr.H. Attic Vent UP Green6riar ^~~ =~.f Gt..d W"ft.i^ Exhibit HI-3 HI-3 Elevations --------��-------~--'-----'� '�` - - - --�-�r---� � ��-�---- '~ ---� '`--�-'- ----- --'�---� -'� --,-- - - '~-- ---------'`' - ---- --' -- _ _-_ _-____ _-'--'___ --__'_____ _ CUMWE | ' - _ � - ------�-�_� Plan 2 1, 828 s.f. | 1,963 s-f' w/ oet' oeuzm. o aASSDM L c�u e/-`^�nar City��-1°—~ ~"f-~ Exhibit 112—Floor Plan 2 0A, REAR MO]Nt: LEFT RIGHT Losend A. Cencraea s-71N Knot a. sweet Plan 2 6. Mcod ftthelf Elevations I. ScId C.1 t. St.. Deca-tive Coach Light ft—tile 3-Tile ftcc—i—C.U.Ouhmim M. Attic VOct tACC". aaolir Greenbriar city If GtAId T—M,CALL196MLO nawc 16 Exhibit H2-1 Elevations w . : � :,is _ � • _ : I. e C 1 L EFT RIC3HT leeeeri.u:f.s.°d A- emer.ta'S�i11a K°of 3. Up " Plan 2 =1 F AAfur.yeil. L. W. roUnelf "C" Elevations €: KKOOOOECC`�°° -� K. KeeE camel i. EGaeo°V/P°Y eriF' a. yemf.0 C,n tlgbt K. Eewret1—6-tlle tl-k.ecs K: Eee°retive table SeUoakeee M. Attie Ve°t Scale 1/�• 1•Ue , r, cnour Green .riar city of Oran3 ternee,Gelifacele � � >ftmolE ►uos Exhibit 112-2 Elevations REAR ... ...... ...... .. FRONT Y . M 'rr�.�:• -1'�•` ..t,...... ...._ � _ ,ice v�::'- �.]'.,._.. f LEFT• RIGHT Mte Taal LegeERiut Roof B- 9tveca Plan 2 C. EtP'`ta RKtec Ta11a B. ft Naci. PoM 1bteh.f "A" Elevations �14t H. 'Road Corbel i. St.—o!rote Ttt. d. De—I—C—h L1gAt R. Bta.0-S-Tile O.O.ktet i. Deco[aclVe Gab3e'Outleoktte' M. Attic Vent O 4 g Stalt'1 t• 1'.T THEE h I/4 GROUP Green6riar --�" City of Graed.cet M.Callfo"14 rN..r'� 512OW1a _ •lidi Ezhihit H2 3 Elevations - � sr 11 Ai 41 1Z. SITE SUMMM. To Mg .m j Dawk URIN�tjm Conceptual 5fte Fla., GROUP Exhibit I—Parking,8etbacks and Access - I 1 I,; V jj ILIJ I R q� I P's JL j A AlI. ht i: �f i? LAI Al. V... k.. k:::V t. ti ........... M�° I,Z 7. 7` 46. nn --�7t777� T4 ----ti ------ 6ft. 7 U, T 7" FUSCOE THE CONCEPTUAL GRADING FLAN Green6riar Exhibit.J�onceptwal Grading Man ............ :N. LANDSCAP!TNG Thy ntnem:that�coinbuiesdrannat}cfol ''�es��ical�y'°pleasulg;residefititi. F en age.aiid.seasouat;color with ow•mairitenance and'.drouglir: erance tol ;:Tlie plant palette„consists;ofa°cQmpiimeritaryvarfety of trees; shtutis and;grotmilcover that provide year lon ':color and text&g,cohttasts. `These pjarsts#ve;proven to have a:strong�perfomfance rate in.the;San Bernardi no Coucityregioif AAd,jn,addition,'have_glow�rnai teamce-and irrigati0n reds' PurpleZeaf Muni.:ire es,At--,the-main entrance,4hiW:a:straing;"statemditvith lbeir drarnatic;foliagescotor,lieaUf&l-foriix;-and•piofust€�n of p ik hlassoiias.V�li#h its tolerance°:ofvatyitig•conditions:and"wa€ering regiriies;.the;_ClzinesePstaclie works; =vs+eli'asa.tawn tree:Its'hdi&range WiiII.keep it in "scale Witt :thre tvvo-sfory homes:. This:tiee lias;turruiifliis 4range;dnd:b&kiage mthe;'fall: Tl e°picturesque Chilean - Itiiesquite:tree:makesea:dramatic:cont ast- th°its open catsopy;aYid':year-;routid deep grodii," iage. The Crepe Myrtle s':a.human scaled sl vwy tree and`:destgiiates the: head-irx parking ar}eas:;An open'sp=c:area:located`ceiatral-ta the`site:corisists of a, walk;°tienck;trashcan; and turf;This passive open::sparej.. va 6t s trees;shmbs, acid gtounddovers4h t,prt�triile-visual:�nteresf;.fragrance;:a d sgattAl1structurev hil' complimenting thelines.ofthe arclutectiire Belovv is;the proposed plarit;palette for- Greenbnan Please see.Exlnibit_K far.the Prelii cunary.Laridscape Ptah, PLAN _PA 1TTE: B'otanical>Namb ;Common Xame B:otari cal.Nairid Cotiimoii Nance r Trees Sht^tibs agersfroeuuaeindica Cre M.�e :`Boil v ltea`.Rvseii�ka' °Bou rivtlIea. _ .... ._ Rey .. - Pistacsa ctiiuensis Chinese:P stachce Cistus x-41'umum' .OrcMd Roci.Rose Prgsopis'c . ensis Cl......Mesquite; .Dbdonaetviscosa Priuivs;ceraciferd. - `Puipiiiea' _ A#iopurpurea' l?aipleLeafPtum Heirtterocallis.hybriils Daylily, +f riota�ticovers I cei,: h l2unn ftgto� T=s Ran er Cci"tim toincniosum snow=in-Summ#, I eymus i ndeasatus 113v is ily rltTS' C"`luniping GazaWa' 41ne:Gras Iicdera::helk`Baltica' Engti§ti Ivy Plinrmiuz;i'.hybrids .Lantana:mbntevidensis: 'TraiIing;Lantana NoWzdaland:Flak. `I dr (�61 I:onlccra.`a mca: :Phohniutn &M J.ho. __. `Halliana' Japanese Hgneysackle;. .`Bronze Baby' Dwarf NcwZcaland.Flak 14 00imn.Orvifaftni. NCN Photfnia. :frazeri Reif`Tip;Phorinia. Pc rgoii um;peltatum: Ivy Geiattium Pittosporum crags uql i :Stachys.bizahtina -lamb's Ears,: `Caiiipacdliu'' 'DwarfKaro Tracbelospezmuig. Pttosporutn. i- jasminoides $far-JastWue `wheeier*bw, ri' DwarETabira Annual,Color Twbe Wected bjr`L:A . ;..Ri apiriolepis iindica Iniiiaa-Hawtham Ma<ailEbn go Fescue Rosa•ICeberg' White Shrab Rose. - Strlizia iregiriae; Bird-of Paradise The,Greenlii'aar Draft Specific,Plasc II-4. KANMb LEGEND .. ...a.o ..n��} ma ' ry e.air.ws' sbmw i.a ..u.m: w�wun..... n.n ..i •; a ..r ` �'�r�. °�•.w..s�..: ,r PRIOR •� .'�6.0 ,,,'K:,� �u'a'Y4�F'z5x�° '3�. y,-amp�+-^^s'Qk r .�r }gq ?�• 3," �.......�...,. $ W , v d NORTH THE URBAN:l. (KlltSl511VlT3 � 'i"N". Grech6riar:., G _ Ciy"o! Gronp Terrace, Cotifornicl EXHIBIT K MtUWIu TRQJ.ECT: WRIPTION i.. 'UV'ATLS-&FENCI1vG'r �. - Approxiinate;,retamwg:grades ire shoarun on.the'Conceptr al`Grra ing:,,anfar - reference :The mauimum`reta�ning height xs 1Q 5 # along tie soextheasterly;pirtiori ©t the property line:. Please:see Ealiibk J for.preH'n'u'taayMan'loeat iorris; The restilential fencing loeated:'througtiout the coi�ununity"will pe°a;5 =1"O iri. painted wocici'fence:with gates:;Tbp main:entry and;Moui�i tTeinQn Ave: expoaure wilt:have_ ,. enhanced pilaste_is whsch wwill entaiice tlieentiy and cnn�nunicate the theme and; character-of the cotnrny ut. 3: SIGiVAGE. Permanent signage wilt coris'ist.of Mail,i i inum, StW.a: main.emry:. _ Temporary marketing bitiboard'signage will be:erected gat,the_'eortie s.o€'the property along Mount Vernon>Ave:;Temparary'pepno ..lags: ,Ube.erected,-A*o g Mo..Yxnt"Veir ii6wAve.during#1 a riaskeitirig riridi w:'Teinpcsrar r billbvard;signage. "':f: h will be removedupon,sell-out:aft" 'coriirnunity_ K. ';PHASING. `Fhe proposedcanstiiictitx°pliasng;for thisprnjectwill`ctsist:af:3:phases comprised cif l2.homes:in Phases;.1.an+d=2,:and I l:hitnies:iti:Pbas :3 The:first:.phese will consist of 12.°fiomes.located:alo ng:the eAs6 m-,;I'c ge:wrapping:north and. , s fi from.tlie 1VIount Vernon:Ave..project:entry-The send phaae wztl'consist of 12 d.m s-.a inuirig along.the:northerc.,edge�ofthe site The, 4hase:m,10 00.4s dr the_r`enWniiig`1'l'°liomes 6n thewsouthem Boundary afthe proposed:contmuriitY. By phasing the construddi* as:describeda;fie codvnurut'v�rillbe accessibl'e.via.the 04"t ,the,ci tripletion of.Phase>l:;proiricling,aii'added,teve1".1--safety dunrig;the construction process:'Furthermore,by phasing'the construc b d tion as.descrie and ,shown in Exhib�it,l ,�tl a impacf y f coast tictiiiin:.tragic<&Afi�..res dents cif the earlier -phiases�wwill.be;zniuinized. The G`reenbl i i Draft,Sgee c f Plan. Phase 1 =1 1 2!Homes Phase 2—12 Homes Ph ase 3=I! Homes 35 Homes'yo—tal. j7 X V A r . ;L Tam Amm At' F A-Pr 'A L........... NA, ........ ............... .r Ens IP TrfF ' RFUSCOE, -GROU-P Green6riar q;fy of Grand TerP6ce, Co3iforriia Exhibit L—Phasing CiIAP`I'ER III CA'ItEE1�BRdAiT� SP CIFIC PLC A_ WATER."SERVICE: The.proposed-site willle:serviced.by-!Ab.8 in.,public:water line-that:wilt tie-in lei Mount Vernon:Ave. in:twgdiockidns., phis �vater luie:vvill:piovide.service to tie, proposedIre hydrana-landscape`irrigatidin Meters aii d;dorxiestic vater service to- theunits:Refer ta'tlte,ConGeptual Utility Plan`(Exhibit =for prop©sed locati©n:of .on4ittmater:: B. "SEWER.SERVICE: The proposedsite i3vll'tie serviced by an:8:in.;l�ain;,Saristary Sower:Tineas:refleted fi the t✓onceptual Ufxiity Plan,I(Eshibit.Rtl) The ex.41mg sewer'line"ii Mount Vernott Ave. is 3ocated at theliigli:poiint aftlis:pi�aject;;iaakii� rtxe-in°;�diticult:and. costly-by reouiring a piitnp or,lift station; As;men�ioneciir°Sectien' I-'G: :., GRADxNG;;tle site falls.away from Rotrnt:.V`errioi Ave:For these reasons,the ,pr."oposed;downstremii:sewer ca uiection wi bi outed!>t_ugl the:apagMeIrt_.site to :the vrest.and:tied iritolheir eii,ting;piivate<sewer systerri ultimately draining into. the Canal:St.:public:sewersystem: 1: a proposed rdesi will require`�pFro�imately 400 4, ofnew 8 m.:sewer main and_upsizing-aPPr�idirzately`1.I 5 ft of e�ristinl;6 yin. sewer id,8-in'sewet,a .veff" fivasement snit:.mahiteriariee-agreement fromthe. neigh[ nng property owner; C-.. DRY Ul'gH!ES Edectrieiiy, - . Southern Calit6faWEdison (28?'.Tenrie9see.Sf,:Redland9;CA =92373) The proposed site::wil1 be'served fiom an existing gWthead:syd.on the south side of Mount Vernon.A.ve Points of connection cannoti`be determined at this-time. oars Southern,.Califoruia Gaffs eOmpany (1981:tugviyz' 'Ave;;Rei laiitds Ca 92373}; Gas-se vice�to ttie pialect will-be" vi led from an-emp,g mQn Mount- Vernon AV6, Telephone SBC--'3073.Attains St:;Riverside,CA 92 f1 }, 'lie propdisetl site:wilt;:Eie;seruea=froth`ah:existing overhead,systeii on: ie south°side- of.Mount;Vernon Ave<:Points ofccinnoctioi cannot;lie:deterautsed a#tins;tirrie. tr4 e _ Adelp b.- (:150tk S:_Mtd Cefite r:,Ont irsii,sCA 9t?fil;) T e;p oposed,,site wiIl be solve+i from,an:exystiiig o rerhead;ustem oix khe,sout_h sids- ofItimount`VemoiM.,Pvints o£connection cannot be determined at this tune. . T>ie Green6iiar RraftpSpe cifcTlari _ III:1 -------------- 7 Lu it F@ A-4 nn= Li TT V gj! "ao j.Z� UJ ...=7 d j� A rd.!..1 7, � .,.4. mi L ws Lu ........... ................ ...... ---------- A.. ILL !t ..........---------- �7----------=,--7;-,- r --- - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - Gl -- lltn F-- FT- EASEMERTS LFGFNO, FUSCOE I VEM UpRftT Tum ——— Conceptual utility Flan GROUP Green6riar Exhibit M—Conceptual Utility Plan ..........- 1"11TF'RAS'7,'.R`�CTsaCI;fi D. DRAINAGE, The propgsed site'vvill draiu.f'raoi east.fio west,at;an:average;grade.9�5,Ql%.'The storm water wilt be;collected.via an._uri ergroutid;storrn,dFairi tMem that tivill collect'.lhe•surface:ininof i.roi f e araitkohd::ih -off"site;"water 6t rently tieing accepted onto tie:subject property fannn lVloui t;Vemon:Ave, The:star nvAter will exitib site:via-an'outlet.thr the'refairimgwall>orrfotheneighboring'aparttrientt Sit e-to:the west The stormclrain systemrwili fransition to a-parl�way cukiiat'the wall:and autlet•.throul ti the:ciA,-. aci.;.fthe acljaeedt pr'ctpecty; :A valley:gutter will rreed:to be constructed and:tied into:the a sting valley it"Wier system in or"deiio better itgegraikhe dca gagevitb:the;e stuig sui#`ace" tra%nags;syst".. TtYe:praject::site.unTi enerate.:an•addWt O ft due;to tl a additiau vfnon-peivious- materials.. *s;,-,additional flow*wltie detained on site in.an,-unaergroun(i.,detention, system;underineath.:the.pocket:park dawcistrearn drainage,system: The°pr'opased stnicral:T3MP:tu treat:thesite: rater wslle a stvi7rifilter:or ecluivateatVia'wilt be employ, o:comply with tl e Cit�'s=Stoi., ater Ordinance as- part Qfthe'NPDES".requirements. Tlus B -wabe:"di signed to treat tfie'`;`first v flush,iwa•storm:everit as well as:ne�isanee"water'from irrigation,etc. Refer toAhe " C nceptualxGrading Plan.(Ezhil it J:}:f ►r.adttitivnal.itiforrnalion. E, TRAVM,,e,QN'i oL Based:6n the:relatiuely.sriiall_size_of-tht-.164 imunity(3.S homes)" and:its pro ciwity to:other-,street and iirive inteirsecttons;M'th Mour i,'-Vettd Ave.,nci-.ti c• im rgvements;.signals,.orre-stripping are`prtpas as park o#'this piaaf F. COSTS: All'infiastructdre;iinprovements wilt_ constructed'u!#h2 tiig=. rivate developer e funds.,No;portiort.:ofthese tos s°*ill: a `wuledFusing: ity'fi nds; = Ttie Gr6e&wW7 DtAff;Specific Pl III=2: crRAIV Ai CKNOVVI:fEDGI MWENTS GREENSRLR SPECIFICP AX A C'KNO i3rLEDGME ON A. APPLICANT/DEVF,LOPER C*reystone'Group,•Inc. 341 Bayside Drive, Suite 7 N ewport:Bcacli,,California 92660 949 566-9230 B. PROTECT TEAM Greystone Multi-Fanfly:Builders 341 Bayside_Drive, Suite-7 Newport Beach,California 9266.0 949-566-6261 David B. McMahan Project Ivianager Bassenian Lagoni Architects 2031 Orchard:Drive,.Suite'100, Newport Beach,.California 92660 �949-553-9100 A1bem Yolo Designer Edwin.S. EWquiedra Planner Urban Arena LLC 461:1 TeUer Avenue Newport.Beach,California 92660 949:42,1-8200 .Eric Viado, ASLA I'roject:.Manager . , 'Michael Schrock; AS1.A Prindiw Fuscoe Engineering 1,6795.VonKarman,Suite:1.00 ,lrvime,California 92606 949-474-1960 Oriana•Slasor, PX. Project Manager C. LOCAL AGENCY Cgty,pfGrand Terrace Grand Terrace City HaU 22795 Baiton Road Grand'Tcrrace 92313-5295 The Creenbriar Draft,Specif e,Plaw VI 1 Prior to;issuance of Eiiiitdui" '-ts ,gciOJ �deititicaqoiig;ibal,-be�suiimifita -4m g,perm ,, I , P BWldWgIandS `� 6 t� ; roent, _ ;7, gptotefilace� subriAt or-tlie, och structure mum cem MAW-, tg� ii-alAith stw'. o ce4d lac Plans.. Oornp=06n reports 3. ::POb;,,tOjsswkdwA i4ildlid .�i �4 ,p dho-,I & erm U D tatfit' that fieihave- 'bew schbol, ? qgpet= ,-Awl -S mu "e, iij�_pto 'p; %, , "kit U issuaiiiet otbiAid did"ihd yk Safe c 25'4 2& em-, S. 1 p,m,­p,e,d, to the.y cow p y v 4t6m J 1 6 at dad 6f, liars -NPD,6. All gas coon proJacts S roviCW4 ti -of y O;neot "froli" a . ,c*WwkOrwlfi*aneof appOnt Gmtdi0am 12."4117.,170 i 7 Pag _ .. .. _ . .. \ . • . • „ . Exhibit ,. COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMEN>, -0OU.MtY:O1r,5AN 6ERNARDINC i� OEFICEOF THE:FIRE MARSHAL CO MIA U'N&Yt T"'1f;.DI fISION 620 n`6iie ar"bn iC;A9. 6. 179` (90�}:386,8465.�{909)386�-�463-:{809 J e38_E-8�6�`.., •. ' Faze{9d 38i40o NONENIBER:1;:_Z005 EXt?IRATIQN::N01lEAABER 2006- aREYST6kE,GROUP 341 BAYSIDE'DRNE;,STEi 7 NEWPQRT SEit►CK..CA.92660 FILE:- MIS:GT05/161". ;LOCATION!-, 11830:MT'VERNON�AVE-:GRAND TERRACE'S' P OJEC:TTYPEi. SITEtARCHITECTUF7E;REVIEW _ TRACT- 1.7766= -PLANNER:JOHN`LANI E. Dear Applicant: With, btlhti corid tions-of.approval regardln9 thg above refeienced:;projec# atie,San Berra ding Gou`r%fy Firei Departrrient requires the follawirig,fire profection rmeasures'to be'prav�ded;irr:-acxardance<witt%;appi�caple iocol ordinances,codes,<<aridioetecognizetl°fir&;protec on stands"rds: Thiefoliowing,itxiortriationof;thisdocunidnt'sets:fo(th:the; IREt`COND1TtC?N5arid;GU(L3El:lNES'4iiiiich=areapPilo to'ahis•project:-. ,. i0.p,eovecl nditions''C3"Ndf Approved FJRE=NDITIONS Jurlsdictibm The-above referenced:pcaject'is under ttie`Jurisdictiori:of tfie Saii•Bemardina County Eire Oegartmerit .herein ffire.,Departrnent"): Prior to any-construction occurrnid on any parcei,:ttie°appticatit shalt contact the°Frre Departmeiit'for-uerification.of.cur<erit flre,protecfion requirerrients::fAtt`newconstruction stiall.comply-;urith;tie current Unfiforrn Fir a, Code` requirements and ail. .appIt ble •statutes; codes, `ordinances` and°standards'-df .the, Flre ' Ciepartinerit,:jF-1]'; _ - - Water S`stern: Priorto MY'tland ilistuibance,..the vVater:syst-me,snail t5e designed:to;rrieet tide cequir d Eifel'Pw.Q this i!evelopment and.shail iae appirived'bYlttid�Fire Depaftmenf_ fEie r$quired`fire flauv shall tie;deter tiiried'by using: Appendix tllA ofthe Uniform Fire Cat3e._"Standard 903:1 TF=5], The.F re Flow`forlfiis p aJif. sh alt tie: ll,- 56):GPM for a 2;-Hoyr-duratlon`.at 20:ps1 residual.;operatirig;pressure;<: =Fire=Flavrbaseil:on 3.6tI0:sa'ft:Structure. ' ,. . Fire.Fee.:. Ttie requi''d fire. ;fees.ligiii eidy""O's t10);:shall:°be :paltf;to''ti;i .San :Bernardino Countyr,.,Fkc ;DepaitmentLCommunity=Safety•Di si { }: "`vi on 9t)9 °386-8465 7hls;:fee.is=iii:aoeittpri g Ere fees ttiat:are: ai,06;tli0 CI of W.and`Ter _. p,,.`. _. tX. race. :[Fd4.t)j Access:. The-development and;each phase:thereof-shall have:a miniriiurri afg2 p; ints;cif, eh ccess."•These, ,are for-fire/emergem equipment;access-arid'farev acuation:routes: Staridatd`9t1Z 'I [F�41]` MIS GT0511616& November 1,,-2005 PAGE Tumaround. An approved turnaround.shall..be provided,af`the,.end:tif acfi,.roadway ond'hundred ohd-fifty(150) feet or rmare1ri length. Cul,de-sac.lengttr shall not-:e cceeid 6Ikftn&ed,'(60b)4eet,:all roadways.shaD.not,exceed a. 12% grade and have a•minimum of forty five (45j`faot;'radiu5`,for'all;turns: 'In the FS1,,.F.,S2:or FS:3 Fire Safety. Overlay Districtareas,triers are:additionat,,requkements._Standard" 02.2;1 [F�#3] Combustibte,laro#ection. Prior'to combustibles;being-placed on.the.protect•,site an-,approved�paved'eoadwitt ',curb .and-gutter,and,fi ee,hydrants with,an,acceptable fira,flow.shall be-instalied-,Theaopcoat of asphstt does nothave'fo b'e:installed until final inspection,and:accupancy:IF-44f Water System Residential: Avater systern-'approved�'by=the>Fire:,Departm'ent,;Is:required.,The system shalfbe- operational,prior to any-combustibles beingstored"onttfie,dite:�Deta6hed:single.faniily residential'-develapi•nents may increase the spacing between hydrants to'be_no;rimore.thansix:hundred:{60f1}:feet',86d-no:more.than,ihr.-ee hundred (300)`feet(as�measured along vehlcular;travel-ways)=from the driveway.ort ills'address side,,6f the,ptopose&s'ingl0, .family structure.Staridard 909:4 [F='661 W;kter Systern Certification: The applicant shall provide,the Fire Department,with-a.letter'from-the serving wafer company;.certifying,that the,required•wafer-Improyeinertts,have-been'made or that'the..eAsft fire'llydrants,and :Vsrater sys#em uvill:rrieet distazice and'ftref-,flow requirements: fire'.•flow.water;=supply s'half;be in:place.,prior°to placing, comb ustible-�rnaterials on thajob-site. [F-57i Street.-Sign.. This.'project-is.required-to have an,approved street.sign;{teniporaryf(jc,permanent)•,'The street:slgri- 5tialf be Ins#pl(ed<on.the:nearest-street,cainer:to 4he project. Instaila#ian sof"the temporary sign shall b®.prior ariy combustible material being,placed!on the con site, Prtor to.'finalylnspection and occ,.paricy,of the first, structure;the-permanent street,sign shalt,46,-ihstalled. Standard ,Hydrant-Marking Slue reflective)pavement,markers indicaurig fire.hydrant.locatiaiis shall be installed,-.as specified; by the Fire"Department. In:areas where snow rein_oval-occurs,or..�non=paver!-roads:exist,the,blue;refteetive,hydrant• marker thdllbe posted on an.approved post along tlieside:of'the road;xno..moreahan<three(3)feetrfromahe hydrant and.at'least six-(6)",feet high above.,the•adjacent toad..-SWhdard:901:4 3::[F60]: Restdentla[Addiresslnar The:street:addrei s-.shalf be iristaUed;orr'ti�e tiuildirrg with'numbers.thatare'aj inimuiii of four (41'inches,46-iieldht arid;with:a.one half,(/2)1nch stroke. The•.address'thall�be,visible.fronri'thd',ttreet. During the hours of darkness, .the numbers:shall,bedintern I'tV�arid 4I6b6icalt"1dmr iriafed`with'_a,,I6*i yoltage power source: Numbers shall•contrastWith their backgrdUh0 and:6e.legible frriiii'the street INhere:thdx ullding is fifty"(50) feet or more. frciri the roadway; addiiionat_contrasting .four'{ ) incli.:riurhl}ers shall=bo displayeii.at'the property` aces§s entrances. Standard 80'1.4.4. [Faf1] Spark Arrestor: An approved spark;,arrestor is required.. Every chimney:that:is used 11h,•corild ictfon witti any fireplace or any fg6t'ing"appliance_,in`Which'solid:ora'iquid:fuel are.used;;sliall'have:ai=approved-spark=arrestor visibI from-the ground".that'is maintained'in conforrsiance with;ttie'-Ur lfomi Fire:C ode.'[FM Additional Comments: 1) Eriieigencyaccess,road;shallbe-AG-paving,:,and'the,.gte;shop:h6V.e,enappraved�knoxlock,. 2) Roadway I ading.to lots i 1,.12'�1.3$14 shall_be a mIn"' ;of; 6=feet: Sincerely, DOUG CRAWIFORD,Planning,,&Engineering'SUpervisor 8an113emardirio,CountyTire Department Communi#ySaf'ety!Division DC`.ts Attachment 3 O/VCa lYEl1'Pacifcc.Homcs ORIGINAL DATE: 0.9N7N5 Fv'.>n.c..=, i' REVISED DATE: 09103115 Greenbrier CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE SHEET RELEASE-PHASE All, TRACT:17766 CITY:GRAND TERRACE ZIP: TRACT' SEQUENCE ,LOT"" PLAN DESCRIPTION' apGaESS- COL6 -SPECKL-: ....,.`: .. ELEVATION'. 17766 1 2XB 5 17766 2 1CR 11 17766 3 2BR 7 17766 4 1AR 2 17766 5 2BR 6 17766 6 1CR 10 17766 7 2CR 12 17766 8 1AR 3 17766 9 2XBR 7 17766 10 2AR 4 17766 11 1BR 6 17766 12 2XCR 9 17766 '13 1A 2 17766 14 2XA 3 17766 15 1C 12 17766 16 2XC 11 17766 17 2B 8 17766 18 1B 7 17766 19 2C 11 17766 20 1A 1 17766 21 2XAR 4 17766 22 1B 5 17766 23 2A 3 17766 24 1CR 12 17766 25 2XB 8 17766 26 2C 11 17766 27 11311 7 17766 28 2BR 6 17766 29 2XA 1 17766 30 1B 8 17766 31 2XC 9 17766 32 113 5 17766 33 2BR 6 17766 34 2XCR 10 17766 35 1A 2 Note:the plan 2 can be offered as an optional plan 2X and may change as a buyer preference A=Backflow Prevention Valve B=Balcony C=Bonus Room D=Deck E=Enhanced Elevations F=4 Car Garage Option G=Casitas PLANTOTALS-= E '_.E.._ H=Garage Door Windows PLAN 1 15 I=Special Sound Attenuation PLAN 2 10 J=Extended Option PLAN 2X 10 PT=Post Tension SQU RE FOOTAGE BY PLAN. ...,......,...:..... .......,.. ,. PLAN 1 1873 PLAN 2 1898 PLAN 2X 2032 SQUARE FOOTAGE TOTALS:"i:" PLAN 1 28095 PLAN 2 20320 13tandard Gara e PLAN 2X 20320 IPlan 1=Right .1 TOTAL SQ.FOOTAGE 68,735 NOTES:. A--Spanish B=Traditlonal ;C=Craftsman _,j REVISIONS. ....................... .. President Forward Planning CFO VP Operations Sales&Marketing Purchasing 9/10/2015 PAGE1 4 Sll � Vx� ik 71 vy AW 4 'it 7fl`" = x /o9 ' �v R-i ' s age, / SCHEME 2 - SPANIS:H ELEVATION, .; ,. •;.Me , �. .$,h, K`3',>° arc'x k k "S' ROOF TILE FASCIA, EAVES,;:TAI 3 HEADERS,-BEi4.M5; 1 POSTS; KICKERS".-SIDE 6,GARAAGE:DOOR { SHUTTERS`8i FRONT ENTRY.DOOR TRIM: - F , �.,'r�tb. ce •.#w'ya vw,..w.._... ...aw. .. ,..... .. .- >- .—..:-.:.aa'b`'::d r tr t✓Ca LEtU -C2G113Vf llt7lV:7' - _- •' ,,R,-EEa^�I' '� i` _ ,SAUtC#ft4?t•/c h"s §I2di6Y3' ` SCHEME 3 - 8PAN]sk ELEVATION VIC ............ `S' ROOF TILE Ij FASCIA.,`EAVES;TAILS, HEADERS,,BEA. ms,,- POSTSi*!CKEkSj.'-SIDE& GARAGE'DOOR, -SHU77f7FR$.',&,FR,0NT EMTgy.1300k, 3 BA5rs�fo oc"a TRI ADOBE 4e -Q`,R8ENBRIAR. Pacific. SCHEME 4 - SPANISH ELEVATION t"KOOF'TlCt Jy. HEADERS BEAMS,FASCIN ST S 11C AS; S lDEA-Gi;,..RAGE,DQO R Of Y BASUSTUCCO, TRIM 777- 4i `k ... ........ 7 77`7 7777 7�!7 ADOBE' E GR EMBRIAR , Ug ni , Ci htllhcifib-Home�, L SCHEME 5 - TUSCAN ELEVATION lk, 'S' ROOF TILE T'A"I L'S"';44 bAbb E%,�,' ER S AMS, 'FAkIA", 1EAV" '.&CCDO;POSTS; KICKE S DE A"'.GAR OOR 'HUTT �00 R S ,ERS.,&,FRQNT ENTP yY, BASE'STUCCO TRIM �vqqpftapadifle,140mds N47IR E EN R I'AR SCHEME 6 - TUSK AR .......... .. N -S btks,, 9EAMS-,FASCIA, H EA TAIL KICKERS PF,&,; L0 'OR POSTS; SHUTTERS4,1FRONT EN PQOR"! BASE STUCCO TRIO iZ*,"bvi al Padmajoids. "'REEND-RIAR: sa,sseniaw agqpi SCHEME 7 TUSCAN ELEVATION `S' ROOF TILE A',;;.EAVES, TA1.p,,,HEAOERS, BEAM$,' FASGI `n'' POSTS'XICKE S Sll7E& A '�_�;," Ek �' R , G RAGE=DO(?R •g�•r '•��,: ;4- �•x "I%r., r "fie� •�� .„�: . UTTERS<: dtNT"'EIQTRY;:DQOR eaSt's'Tuceo "p (('7t,,��� G1 1C t7t i !['��/�+ B85 e`(il�11<.w oni, 4 �:i21 �[li•rt1 = f� E5N. 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